Blogger Templates
"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scattered thoughts and tidbits

So, as I read my last blog, I realized that I was REALLY out of it. There was no structure to what I said. And guess what...this will probably be very similar. I have so much on my mind it's not even funny. But, my hands are freezing, I'm exhausted and I'm on a computer that is over 10 years old on dial-up. My patience is running low with it.

I've got a song stuck in my head. It's from Wicked. It's called "I'm not that girl." I suppose I will start with that (if my hands will warm up). OW! my kitty just jumped onto my shoulder from across the room...her claws need to be trimmed. Anways. This song for some reason has been in my mind. Right now, I have no love interests (at least not any serious ones...I'm too far away from everyone to even try) but it seems to be a good representation of some past expereinces. I don't want to relate them right now, but I jsut thought I would write that much down.

Work. Wow, it is an interesting place these days. When I left there a little over 2(?) years ago the manager had just transferred to Kuwait and my friend Patty was put in as a temporary manager. Well, the old manager returned a week before I started. And let me tell you, the crap has hit the fan. It has opened my eyes a bit onto how people treat each other. Many of the customers and my fellow co-workers have many complaints about this manager. She's not LDS, nor is she very Christian, so I'm sure that has a bit to do with it all. She's a grandma (Why she's managing a fast food place at her age is beyond me) and has a background of the army-style of living. The customers and us workers have felt like she has been treating us poorly, and it has gotten to the point that the top boss-our owner has been notified and made some comments. This happened yesterday. I have seen her be rude and non-respecting, but it doesn't seem right to me to do what has been done. My supervisor told me that she has talked to her about the problems, but I wonder how much was actually said. The manger had this look on her face yesterday that was...undescribable. I truly think she has no idea that her actions are offensive to others. I've worked with her before and it's just the way she is. She may have picked up some bad behaviors over in Kuwait, but I don't think she's being this way on purpose. The supervisor (whom I love dearly) is beginning to have a different appearance to me. She has some health issues and such, but frankly, I'm beginning to think that she's a spoiled whimp. She's in her forties and yesterday there was an incident that makes me think that she never left elementary school. Apparently there was a snake out on the loading dock area and when she got word of it, she went clear to the other side of the building (mind you, our subway is in a bowling alley). The little snake was outside for crying out loud. Gorw up. She has all these complaints about our manager, but sometimes I wonder if it's not just a defense she's putting up because she is no longer the manager and she doesn't like it. She is my friend, but I just wonder sometimes.

Working out. So, I have found a new addiction. Turbo Jam. :) (and the gym of course) I can't go through the day without making myself sweat insanely. It's wonderful. But, at the same time, I'm getting frustrated. My clothes are getting tighter and my stomach is getting larger (although, my abs are tighter underneath). How is this possible? I know I have terrible eating habbits, but it's not enough to make me gain this much this fast. I'm riding my bike to work almost every time and I work out, hard, for at least an hour or so each day. What's the deal?! Grrr. Oh well. At least I have found something I enjoy. I eat breakfast every morning and take my vitamins. I feel wonderful. My stomach doesn't bother me nearly as bad as it used to. It's wodnerful. :) I've only been nauseated once this week! Victory!

My ankle. So, since my last (or maybe second-to-last) year of marching band (3??? years ago) I have had a problem with my achilles tendon. There is a bump on it and it hurts intensely. Sometimes I can barely stand. But, the pain fades off and on throughout the day, so I just deal with it and move on. It's not like I can just leave the food station because my ankle hurts. (ya know) I have seen a doctor about it and he suggested surgery, but never got back to me about it. I called his office twice and never heard from him again. So, today I talked to my parents. It looks like we will be trying to get me into a podiatrist soon. I'm worried mostly because of the cost. I don't have any type of medical insurance right now and I can hardly afford a credit card bill right now. But, the thought of having that ...whatever it is...removed from my ankle gives me hope that anything can be done. I wonder, if I do get it removed, if they can keep me awake and let me watch them remove it. That would be cool. :)

News. Today I actually had the afternoon to watch some tv. It was fun...I guess. I caught the first part of the NBC Nightly News. Wow. I mean......WOW! Talk about commotion and destruction. I don't remember the order, but wow. There was not a single thing that was good on the first 10-minutes of jam-packed news. Flooding in the midwest, heat waves in the east, fires in California, snow in Washington, farmers losing millions because they can't sell their tomatos, tornados in Florida. Oh wait, I suppose I lied about there not being any positive news. When they showed the people in Ohio trying to build up leavys by the river, there was a bit of a positive edge to it. It was amazing to see so many people (mostly strangers to one another) working together to save their city. It's amazing. Oh wait, and, there was a plane crash in...I don't remember where, but it was a big plane. It was trying to make a crash landing due to a thunderstorm. It landed, split into 2 pieces and burst into flame. I'm a nut about disasters. I don't know why, but I am. But, this was not a fun thing to see. The world is changing. ("The world is changed...I feel it in the earth", er...or something like that....--Tolkien) It's only a matter of time. I felt inspired to write about it, but I'm not good with words. A poet I mst certainly am not. It's all I can do to make any of these sentences sound cohesive. But, I may try to writ it down and finish matter how short and bad it may be.

I turned on the news today and saw...

Twisters, floods, snow and heat
Earthquakes, fires, and even drought

War, politics and worries of pounds (can you believe they think Obama's hand-pound to his wife is a terroist sign?!?!) anyways...
FDA, CDC, deadly veggies and vaccines

Gangs, car chases, drug dealers and users
Pregnant teens, lesbians and gays, even sex on tv is ok!

Gas prices, mortgage fiascos and economic slurps.
Hybrids, corn-fuel and Why is my tv green?

Brittnay Spears is a bad mommy
Brad and Angelina are having another child!

(one can't help but sing the song by REM...."It's the end of the world as we know it...")

Drugs, violence, politics and disasters
Is there any hope of surviving?

I must know, I must see
I turned to the scriptures and found...

Peace, love and joy
Mercy, justice and endless hope

Ok....that took longer than anticipated and now I don't even remember what else I was going to blog about. That is a very rough poem, if you can even call it that.

Kittens. My new love. :)
I love my new kitties! I can't express how much I LOVE THEM! I think I would be mad if they weren't in my life right now. (even though I'm seriosuly allergic to them and have scratches up and down my body) They meow, coo and pur. What more could a person want in a companion?! :)

Anyways. I think I will stop for now. Oh my, I totally just remembered what else I wanted to blog about. Eh...another time maybe. I want to go watch The Little Mermaid. I love that movie. :)


Annie said...

You are great! I'm so happy that I get to see you on wednesdays! As for the weight gain at the onset of's normal. It happened to me too. Keep at it and I'm so proud of you! Turbo Jam ROCKS!