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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Monday, June 8, 2009

Changes Will Come and Go

Wow...can I just say...I am loving life right now? It has been the hardest, but most wonderful year of my life so far. I had a friend pass away, I got to play a concert in Carnegie Hall (in which I was 1st chair clarinet), I failed yet again in some classes, I went on the most amazing date, I changed my major, my tendonitis got so bad I think it's carpal tunnel syndrome (I could barely move my hand!) I lost 30 pounds (give or take a few), oh man...I had a whole list lined up and forgot most of it. Oh well. It's only June and I just love it. My dreams are coming true finally.
Last week I moved into Harrison Heights right across the street from WSU campus. My roommate is like my long lost sister. She and her friend were doing P90X and now I'm doing it with them (something I've thought about doing for awhile now). Her friend is amazing. I'm trying to avoid developing a crush on him. I just won't go down that road again. He took us out to play disc golf last week and it was so much fun!'s late and I really need to be in bed. I wish I could explain how happy I am right now. It really does take getting to your lowest point to really understand what true happiness is. And I'm sure I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg yet. Which, in some respects is super exciting, but on the opposite spectrum, it's out right scary. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new ward. People talk to me in there! AND! I don't have to play the organ (at least...I don't think I do...eek!) Although, I actually did enjoy playing. This week includes a job interview, finding out if I got another job, starting out as a section leader in the Chorale (I've done band....but not choir...I'm kind of nervous), I'm doing summer folk dance...and...well...I can't explain it...I want to do more! Ah...I'm tired. I need sleep. Here's to a great summer. I need to figure out when I can go running still...hmmm....Anyways...until next time.