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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Monday, February 27, 2012

Everyone Knows

So, I will admit right now that I have watched the show Grey's Anatomy more times than is necessary, but I still love the show. In the first 3-4 seasons the love story between Derek and Meredith develops, falls apart and grows again more times than I can remember. 
At one point a line is said that "Everyone knows that Derek and Meredith are in love, except for Derek and Meredith." (Probably not the exact quote...but give me a break, I haven't seen that episode in awhile and I couldn't find the line on Google...and yes, I looked, lol). 
Well, folks, I got a similar line told to me about me and my coworker this past week. Apparently this coworker and I have 'vibes' (according to the manager) and everyone that we work with thought we were dating when I started working there. All this news has come out just the past few days thanks to a new coworker that, after working with me 2 days decided that she wanted to plan our wedding. She came up with this connection on her own in a matter of 2 workdays.
So, this guy and I did go on about 3 dates about a year and a half before we even ended up working together (it's the reason we became friends and how I ended up with this job), but nothing ever happened.
Part of me wonders how we've ever given off this 'vibe' since he's constantly flirting with and texting other girls and talking about them to my face. 
Then again, if it's so obvious to everyone around, why aren't we in an actual relationship???
If he was interested in me still, I'm sure things would be different. (but that's a post for another time...and probably just for my journal)
Point of this post:
Sometimes things on TV can actually happen in real life (although, I'm not sure I want my ENTIRE life to turn out like that show...)
Who'd a thunk?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Feeling AMAZINGLY overwhelmed :)

Here's a series of emails that will tell you why I am on the verge of the happiest tears I can have right now.

(This is a forwarded email that I got from my Chamber Orchestra Ogden (and former WSU Orchestra) conductor)

Dear Conductor,
I would like to invite you and your group to apply for Utah Symphony’s Pro-Am. Chosen musicians will play the 4th movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in a side-by-side performance with Utah Symphony and conductor Vladimir Kulenovic on March 29 on Abravanel Hall. This opportunity is intended for adult amateur musicians who have not substituted with the symphony. You can find out more information and apply here:
Please pass on this email to your fellow musicians.
Thank you,

(I applied and this was my response) 

Thank you for applying for Utah Symphony’s Pro-Am Event. We received many applications for your instrument, and we have selected other players to participate this year.  We expect, however, that some of those who were selected may find themselves unable to participate.  If, by the end of February, a position opens up, we may contact you to see if you are still interested and available to play in the Pro-Am.

We hope to make the Pro-Am an annual activity of Utah Symphony, and hope you will apply in upcoming years.

Please let me know if you have any questions

 (Experienced more letdown than I expected, but figured it was for the best)

(Today I got this email...)
One of our clarinets did not accept their seat and we would love to offer it to you. Are you still interested and available in playing in the Symphony Pro-Am on March 29th at 7 PM?
Thank you,

Of all the concerts I've had the chance to perform and the many prestigious venues in which I have performed at, I have never had the opportunity to perform at Abravenal Hall here in Utah.
It has always been a dream of mine. Carnegie Hall wasn't really MY dream. Oddly enough, Abravenal Hall is. I will get to sit side by side with some of the best musicians in the state. To say that I'm overwhelmed and on the verge of tears right now is an understatement.


Sunday, February 12, 2012


A friend of mine posted this on facebook today. I'm not going to lie-despite my many doubts and struggles with my faith-this picture makes me all sorts of uneasy and frankly I'm not sure I can accurately describe how this feels other than a dagger being shoved into my chest.
Isaiah 5:20 says: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."
Many of my thoughts the past couple of weeks have been directed at the questions: 
"What is right?" and "What is wrong?" 
I think that as a whole, our human civilization can agree that there are a few unarguable terms that are very distinctly WRONG. Those terms include theft, cheating (on a test, or on a spouse-although some may try to argue that one) and murder. 
But what, might I ask you, is right? Is there even an inkling of a standard of what is right anymore?
The world today is full of completely unique opinions. There is NOTHING wrong to having an opinion. It's great that we have learned to use our brains. Along with our ever-increasing opinions, it seems that tolerance is something a lot of the world is trying to accomplish as well. This is a good thing, but sometimes I wonder if we tolerate just a little bit too much of the wrong stuff. But then again, WHAT IS WRONG?
Instead of being a non-judgmental force, our lack of standing up for right vs wrong has become a catalyst for allowing ANYTHING to fly.
(I do want to point out at this time that I do recognize that there are millions of people out there that serve one another and sacrifice their lives for the betterment of others. I don't want to completely ignore that fact.)
50 years ago the world viewed things quite differently-or at least that's the image I have. People were a little more reserved in their actions, drugs and sex were a little bit more behind-the-scenes and there was an implied standard of goodness (respect your parents, be honest, etc).
What standards do we have now? 
Do we even have any standards at all?
The problem I have with this picture isn't so much as it is attacking those who believe in God as it it attacking those who want to have a higher standard. It is attacking those that want to be GOOD. 
What is wrong with being good???
We may get to the end of our life and find out there really is no God. What if we pass from this life into another existence, or better yet completely cease to exist at all?
What's wrong with believing in something? What's wrong with believing in God? What's wrong with wanting to be a good person and turning to a Bible to help guide you in your quest for goodness (Oh wait, loving one another is a bad thing...)? Why is this thing that could possibly be right be so wrong to the world around us?
And, if we're being so tolerant of those that don't believe, I believe they should in turn be tolerant towards those of us that do believe. It's a double-edged sword my friends. 
Oh yeah...and...the biggest thing I have with this is...
NO ONE IT PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!
Once we figure out that even the people we hold in highest regards aren't perfect, I think there might be some hope for true tolerance, with standards still in tact. The Pope isn't perfect, the Pres. of the LDS Church isn't perfect and neither are any of the leaders of any other churches, cults, sects or whatever else is out there.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nerd Moment

Today I turned 27. When did that happen???!!!
I'm still 25...I PROMISE!!!!!
So here's the nerd part...
I hated the year of being 26. 26 is an even number first of all. I prefer odd numbers. Second, it's NOT prime. Third it's not even a square or cube.
27 is MUCH better. It's odd, and 3 cubed is pretty cool. Just sayin'