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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Friday, May 15, 2009

Boredom= actually writing a new blog...ha ha's been a while. I guess I got a little busy with going to New York, fighting off the thought of liking someone, and trying to graduate.
The trip to New York was amazing. I got to play a concert in Carnegie Hall with the WSU Wind Ensemble. I was proud of how well we did. It wasn't amazing beyond description, but it definitely put Weber on a different level (I think). The highlights of the trip for me (although the concert was great...getting to play some solos was definitely cool) include seeing Wicked, walking through Central Park, and meeting the man that's responsible for me still being in band. Wicked was indescribable. I want to go back and see it again. I loved it. I can't stop listening to the music. Even when it's not playing, I'll wake up with pieces from it stuck in my head. Some of the songs ring so true to how I've been feeling lately. It's AMAZING. :) Walking through Central Park was great. I wish I could've had all day to spend in there...later in the spring (or even summer) when things are greener. Honestly, when I was there, I didn't really enjoy the city for the majority of the time we were there. But, once Julie and I went out to explore the area on our own, I developed a small attachment to it. I want to go back and really experience it, not as a tourist, but as a resident or something like that (maybe a nanny job...hmm) Anyways...when our bigger group took a walk through the park, it saved me. New York City really is a BIG city. That park was such an escape from the noise and flow of the city.
And...finally, the best thing was meeting the composer Johann de Meij. He wrote a symphony based on the Lord of the Rings books long before there was a movie. When I was in high school, I got to play at the University of Utah honor band concert. The first movement of that symphony was a selection for our concert. After the concert I went out and purchased a copy of the symphony. I blame that piece for instilling in me the desire to play more music like that. I still love the entire symphony to this day. I would love to conduct it someday, but I don't think that will happen (now that I've changed my major...but we'll see...I can always get my mater's degree in conducting...hmm). Johann de Meij ended up coming to hear our concert (he had some connections with one of our soloists). I saw him standing outside Carnegie Hall after our concert. It took more guts than I can describe to muster enough courage to go meet him. But, it was so worth it. He was extremely nice. He didn't have the persona of being snobby or full of himself. It was truly an amazing night. :)
So, the trip was great. I have a new level of hatred towards flying...but know that I can handle it. The flight to NY was pretty much the worst flight I've ever been on. I took 2 benadryl to put me to didn't work. I was dizzy, groggy and tired the entire was bumpy...VERY bumpy (I thought we were going to fall out of the sky...seriously)...and I was stuck between the 2 biggest guys in the band (and I'm no toothpick either). I remember grabbing the tray at one point and praying the hardest I think I've ever prayed in my got that scary for me. I was sore for the next few hours from holding on to the tray so tightly. And, the few minutes of sleep I did get ended up being the start of my having no voice for the following 2 weeks. My throat got so dry whenever I started to sleep that sometimes I wonder if that wasn't what kept me awake. Yeah...I don't enjoy flying...anyways...

In other news, I sort of graduated too....hmm...
Everyone keeps asking me how I 'sort of' graduate. pay the money, get your name in the program, walk, get the diploma cover, take pictures, get your grades, scream a little and retake a couple of classes during the summer because a C- just isn't enough. sucks. Oh well...

Cool story...last summer I was trying on pants...almost had to buy a size 18. Today I tried on a pair of shorts...size 12. They fit like a glove (not a tight one though). I've lost about 30 pounds since last year. It's amazing! I hope I can keep losing more. It's a crazy idea...but I'd love to be a size 8...hmm...just for once. :)

So...last but not least ('s getting there)...
I'm not sure how much to write right now. I doubt this person will see this, but you never know. I keep forgetting that people read this...and people I know and don't know see this without me knowing who sees was quite a weird way of wording it.
Anywho...I want to update any curious mind as to what happened (or didn't happen) with that wonderful guy in the pictures from my previous post.
As much as I liked him, and truly had the best date I've ever been on, I guess he wasn't interested in doing anything with me past that dance. I've made attempts at another date and failed. He's still a great person and I would never turn down an opportunity to spend time with him. But, as I see it, he's not interested (why else would someone as nice as him ignore my texts and email?) and I'm left feeling fairly confused about a few things, trying to get over it all. It's probably good that I don't know him as well as I've known my other crushes. It took them getting married for me to get over them. Ha ha...I'm pathetic sometimes :)
Anywho. It was a great experience. I can't imagine anything better. I couldn't ask for anything more. But, somehow I have this feeling that there has to be, or else I'm in serious trouble.

Anywho...I should stop. It's summer and I can't wait. My goals this summer are to:
-run a 5K (maybe even a 10K if I can train for it...I ran over 4 miles a couple weeks ago and probably could've kept going if I hand't been moving all day...and if it wasn't 10 at night)
-go to Lagoon and ride the Colossus...never ridden it...I'm scared of rides like that
-go hiking a few times
-maybe drive to the beach...if I can afford it
-maybe fly out to NY again...ha ha (not likely, but a trip to NY & DC would be sweet)
-go on dates (yes...dates)
-pass spanish and lit classes once and for all
-apply to massage therapy school, meteorology at the U, and/or graduate music programs...not sure about that one yet
-HAVE FUN!!! :)



Rachel said...

I rode the Colossus once-NEVER AGAIN! I hate rides like that too! I will go to the beach with you, and to D.C. and to New York...You don't have to ask me twice.
Anywhere else? :)