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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today was a major milestone in a whirlwind of crazy that started about 3 weeks ago.
3 weeks ago, on a whim, I requested info on the Utah College of Massage Therapy. I had requested info from them in the past a few years ago while I was still pursuing my music degree. I figured I couldn't afford it and that it was just not the right thing/time for me.
So, it came as a shock when not even five minutes after hitting the 'Submit Request' button on their website I got a call from their office. It was later in the evening and I was very surprised they responded so quickly. I signed up to come down the following day to take a tour and see what it was all about.
I walked out with papers in hand and a billion different ideas careening through my mind. When I got home (after driving 40mph on I-15 all the way due to the first major snow storm we've seen this winter) I immediately filled out the FAFSA (something I hadn't done in years and was surprised at how easy and quick it is now). The following Tuesday I drove down again to meet with the financial aid representative. I found out that I could receive some financial aid. It's not enough (not 100% enough at least), but it's 75% enough, so, with a decent part-time job, I figured out that I could afford to go.
Reality check!
Massage therapy school?! Really??? Is this really the right thing to do???
Everyone says pray about it.
I believe this is a result of the prayers before this all happened. But, I'm still on edge about some things.

Whatever the situation turns into though, I do know that I'm moving forward with the intention of starting classes in January. So....

The major milestone I hit today was this:
I paid my last rent check to my landlord today and gave notice that I will be moving out at the end of December.
That's right folks! I'm moving!!!
And, I'm not just moving out of my ghetto cave, I'm leaving Ogden!

Other than living at home during the summers between semesters, Ogden has been my home now for almost 10 years. That's right. I moved here in the fall of 2003. (Ok, so it's more like 9 years ago...but 10 just sounds more significant)

I have been trying for the past 2 years now to find a job anywhere else but here. I have applied to countless jobs and planned multiple escape plans. But, nothing had worked out. So, over the past few months I've given up and found that I was rather content with life. It wasn't grand and there were a ton of things I wished were different, but I was ok. I had found peace and contentment with my situation. I was beginning to make closer friends in my ward. I was really starting to feel ok with my job (shocker, I know!). I'm even second in command now. I was ok and not in any hurry to change.


I guess it's just not meant to be. I will never be able to be content and lazy :)

As long as everything goes according to plans (ha that ever happens), I will be moving into my Aunt and Uncle's basement in Murray at the end of December.

I've applied to many jobs and already had a couple of interviews with at least another one in a couple of weeks.

I can't believe this is happening.
It has literally been a whirlwind.
My head is spinning from the craziness of it all and my stomach is in constant knots due to the anxiety over the changes (apparently I don't adapt well to change).
But, I'm excited to start a new chapter of my life. Life is short. It really is. I can't waste it here in an apartment meant for Weber State students, working at a pizza place, and with no hope of ever breaking free of my debts (student loans are of the devil!).

I just hope that when this whirlwind calms down I can land on my feet and that I don't do a complete face-plant (or worse).