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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dessert Fail

Hello there!
So, today was my mother's birthday. My brother and I worked to put on dinner and dessert for her. My brother made some yummy enchiladas. I made brownies. The whole intent of these brownies was to put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and then smother it with hot fudge. WELL....
The brownies came out of the oven, I thought they were cooled down enough, so I got out the ice cream, got the bowls situated and started loading the many candles into the brownies. Fail #1. The bottoms of the candles started melting into the brownies, so I had to take out the candles. There was about a quarter of the brownie pan now covered in holes with little white rings of wax all inside the holes. So, I decided to let the brownies cool down a lot more. I got online (since I have been deprived of internet for the past couple of days...). I spent a lot of time on there. I realized that we should probably get going with the brownies. Remember how I said that I got the ice cream out???? Fail #2. I shall call what I found 'vanilla soup.' I quickly found the lid and covered the soup. It found its way to the freezer quickly. So, I put the candles back into the brownies. I had a nice row (or rather, rows) of candles all ready to light. I decided to let the soup solidify a bit, so I sat down at the tv with the rest of my family. At 9pm I woke up my mother from her deep, snore-filled slumber and tried to bring everyone to the table. My brother and I proceeded to light the candles. I guess my dad didn't get that we were lighting them at that moment, because he ran to the bathroom. My mom is old enough to utilize MANY candles. So, by the time we got them all lit, some of them were nearing the end of their life. We couldn't wait for my dad, so, Fail #3, my mom had to blow out the candles while my father was relieving himself. And, with all that wax, you guessed it, Fail #4. I don't know how much wax was ingested by my family tonight, but I'm sure it's more than what the body would like (which is none, I'm sure). I found pieces of brownie that had no wax, but the rest of my family didn't mind, so they at it despite the colorful waxy topping.
Oi...I think I shall never do this again. :)
Oh....and the ice cream had turned into a cool whip-like status by the time we got around to consuming it.