So...I'm not sure where to begin...I'm still fending off roaring laughter. There has been a problem with people not cleaning up after themselves ever since I moved in. I hate it. I've been irritated by it constantly. I've made my share of notes, comments and so on about it. No one changes for nagging roommates. It's true! I dare you to prove me wrong. I've just made it a personal goal to take care of myself and not worry about anyone else. It's selfish yes, but at least I know I'm not the one leaving dishes in the sink, junk on the floor and so on. The new roommates have been convinced that the dishwasher doesn't clean the dishes. So, there is a stack of hand washed dishes on the counter every day or so. I come from a situation where you have to pretty much just wash the dishes before they go in the washer. It's just a fact of life when you live in a cheap or government-funded institution. Hand washing does save on power bills (supposedly) and it's fast when you need something right then and there. But, there is the sponge factor. It has been proven more than once that the kitchen sponge or rag holds more bacteria, viruses, and other gunk than even a toilet seat. I'm not going to eat off of something washed with that. I have slight germ-o-phobic tendencies...so I like the hot dishwasher part.
Ok....so, we now have new roommates that are young, and just don't get it. This picture is the latest. I saw it and had to run to my room to laugh. I later went out and took a picture of it, because it's just that funny. When I went to take it, I said "I want to remember this." The girls in the room just looked at me with the look that makes you want to run away and hide. But, instead I just wanted to laugh more. I'm working on moving out as soon as possible. I need my own room and I want to live with older people that don't have immaturity issues with the dishes. I know who isn't cleaning up after themselves and she happens to share my room with me. I'm so done with this. It's time to move into my own place and get a cat and/or dog to cope with the loneliness factor.
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