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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Monday, May 12, 2008

Yellow Splatter

So, today my mom got off of work early. We (my mom, dad and I) took off to Tooele to do some shopping. When I came home from tour I was presented with the terrible news that our dryer of 10 or so years had finally dried its last load. (having just returned from a week-long trip and having much laundry to do, this was a little furstrating) Anyways, we got in the car and began driving. Now, for those of you who don't know, I live in Dugway. Dugway is a small military base that is literally in the middle of nowhere. Those that went on tour might have gotten a taste of what my life was like when we stayed in those tiny towns. In order to do any major shopping one must either purchase the item online or drive almost an hour to Tooele (or even more to get to Salt Lake, Provo or Ogden). So, this was a fun little excursion. As we were driving a rather large insect decided to end its life on our windshield. *shudder* It made a loud thunky/poppy sound and left a large yellow smudge on the window, right in my view of the road. I have never seen a bug splat like this before. It was amazing! Anyways. After we purchased a new dryer, and some other odds and ends at Walmart, I convinced my mother that we needed to go through the car wash. Now, car wahes are rather expensive these days, but, if you look at them with the excitement of an amusement park ride, they are rather cheap. And, just so you know, the entire windshield...or rather, the entire front of the car was covered with splatted bugs. I guess I forgot to describe the large splat that led to this whole story. The mess that was left behind had the appearance of yellow arcylic paint. It had a lumpy texture and was very bright. It took up at least 2 inches of length and at least 1 inch of width. I should have taken a picture. Anyways. So, we went to the car wash (I almost typed warsh...that's funny!) We only had a $20 in terms of cash, so we selected the wash and let the machine take the money. Had we known how the change would be returned, we may not have gone with this choice. All of a sudden we heard tons of clinking coins. It still makes me laugh. :) Yup, we got $12 dollars' worth of quarters. I guess I'm ready for the fall semester of laundry. joy! :) Anyways. The bug splatter was nicely washed away before the beautiful tri-colored foam covered our car. It was a joyous occaison. :) (and there was much rejoicing)