So, a couple of weeks ago, through a random course of events, I very graciously ended up with an old guitar. It is small, has some big cracks and the frets are not too great. But, it's a beautiful instrument.
I have never ever really learned how to play guitar. I have held one, but not more than 10 times in my entire life. I am a clarinet and piano player...not a guitarist. But, I have always wanted to learn the trade. Guitars are wonderful instruments, and they are portable, requiring no reeds or special hardware (most of the time at least). So, with this new guitar, I have become quite unsure as to how to react. It doesn't feel quite right, but I'm super excited. I got onto a website today and started teaching myself how to play a little bit. I can do a small chromatic scale and 4 chords already. It's wonderful. I don't know why, but something still isn't right about this situation, but I'm going to take advantage of it while I still can. It's almost as if I don't deserve this guitar.
I hope I can one day be worthy of owning a guitar.
I want to be able to sing songs with my children at a campfire with a guitar in hand (although, it would be more romantic if my husband would do the playing....if only :) )
Along with this, I feel a light shining in on my darkened life. Maybe this is the start of something great....every time I get depressed I should pick up a new instrument. I have always wanted to learn how to play all the instruments. Music makes me happy, but only being able to play a couple of instruments limits my abilities. So....hmm...maybe this is a good thing. :)
As an update to my previous blogs...
I am feeling a LOT better. I stopped taking the antibiotic (probably a bad idea, but the side effects just aren't worth it to me) and have started to take my vitamins again. I am planning on seeing a doctor as soon as possible to talk over what's been going on. But, since I don't have time in my schedule to see the doctor on campus, it's going to be an interesting experience. Having no medical insurance doesn't help either. But, that's why I'm trying to graduate this semester. I can't wait to get a job and be able to afford health care so I don't die before I'm 40. :)'s late and I should be sleeping. Goodnight!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A new tab on life
Posted by Heather~Marie at 12:23 AM
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