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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And I don't even know my last name...

So, it's way too late for me to even begin typing this and I'm so tired that I'm not sure why I'm doing it. I've got a cat on my shoulder and a nose that is so drippy from my allergies that it could be named a national waterfall. (wow...that was kind of gross) Today was an interesting day.
As some of you know, I am working at the Subway out in Dugway this summer. People come through that place all the time, many times a week. Many of them got used to seeing my face a couple of years ago. Now that I'm back, it's been kind of a nightmare. People keep asking me how school is going (I tell a half-truth and say it's ok) Then they either ask me about my brother or my dad. I'm proud of my brother, I really am, but I can't help but feel the look of judgement from others when they ask about him. One instance I must relate. A certain customer asked me how he was doing and then made a rather bold statement that he (my brother) was smart for getting out of here, unlike some of 'these other kids that go off to college and come back here and get some mediocre job.' That was almost word for word what he said. If I had the mind-set to do it, and some guts, I would've had some choice words for him. My brother has had many successes and it is good for him to be out away from here. But, what is so wrong with being here. Not that I enjoy living out here anymore, but honestly, there are some really good-paying jobs out here that all you need to qualify is a high school diploma. I don't consider myself the kind of person that would get stuck in one of those jobs, but you never know. Anyways. I'm not asking for pity. I don't want it. I'm just venting on how annoying it is. This whole situation sucks for the most part. I'm 23, and living at home working for Subway. I'm going to school during the regular school year, but I've failed enough classes that I worry if I will be able to return. I don't particularly enjoy my job, but I'm getting to the point that I really don't care so much anymore. I don't have the sense of dread I used to have. What would be so wrong with staying here and having a decent job? Seriously. Oh yeah...I forgot. It's a small town and there are zero to none hopes of ever getting married to someone out here. And, with gas prcies the way they are, seeing the oputside world will not happen as often as it should. Wow, I think I need to go to bed. My brain hurts. (ha it actually does) My kitty just about added his 2 cents to the blog :) Well...that totally didn't end up what I thought it would. Oh well. I have to be up and ready to make sandwiches at 8am tomorrow. and it's just about 2am. I need some sleep! (but first I must shower!)
(or should I say... Good Morning!)


Janel said...

Holy cow, that customer was incredibly rude! I can't believe he said that.