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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Friday, June 20, 2008

Moths! Moths! Moths! EVERYWHERE!!!!

So, way back when...
I was in high school still, and I remember walking home from school and noticing that there were TONS of moths everywhere. It wasn't even safe to open the front door without a swarm of them going everywhere (some inside the house unfortunately). On one particular occaision (sp?) it was a Saturday morning and we (the young women and young men of the Dugway ward) met at the seminary building to load into the vehicualr transport to the Temple. One person had her van there. She arrived and let her van sit there for a time. Then, when she started it back up a whole swarm of moths exploded from her van. It was amazing! You've never seen moths until you see them explode (as a swarm...not each bug individually exploding) from a vehicle like that. Well, it seems that the plague of Dugway this year has indeed been moths again. One year it was grasshoppers, another, crickets, yet another year, snakes, another year voles (annoying rodents that almost completely destroyed the landscape of our town!), and so on. One year I even remember seeing tons of dragonflies. Anyways. This year it is moths (and snakes actually...I've seen quite a few...whether flattened on the road, or creeping around the loading dock of my job). Yesterday I got in my car to drive up to Ogden for my job at the Tanner Dance Studio. On a side note, this job is like a fairytale job. I get to play the piano for little dancers. It's really helping me learn to improvise. But, it's only 3 hours a week, sadly. :( When I was told that they were having a summer session of dance classes, I didn't think too much about it and said that I would do it. Gas prices were cheaper then. At that point I thought that I would still come out making even just a couple dollars more than what it would cost to pay for gas for the trip. But, as I realized that it cost me $37 to fill the tank and that it will only cost more next week, working for 3 hours, at 12.29/hr still won't make up the difference. But, it's only for 4 more weeks and I love it. And, I have an excuse to wander over to the institute to see some of my best friends. (whom I miss dearly) Anyways. Long story...back to the main plot. Moths. So, I have been noticing a few moths in our house lately. My cats are having the time of their lives chasing after these moths. Mike is quite the little huntress now. It's so fun to watch them catch one and play with it until it dies. (a little gruesome, yes, but it's so fun!) So, as you can imagine, I figured that we had a lot of moths hanging around our house. I had NO idea. When I started that car literally a probably close to 50, if not 100 moths flew from the area. It was cool. I figured that there had to be a few in my car, but since I was late, I did not take the time to free any of them. I filled up at the gas station and a couple got out. I went through my day letting out a moth or 2 here and there until I hit the freeway on my way home. After letting out at least 5 previously, I still had about 5 or more in the car with me until I got home. It was really annoying. Have you ever driven with moths fluttering in your peripheral vision? It's VERY distracting. I'm sure some people may have thought I looked like a drunk driver while I was trying to let those things out of the vehicle. Anyways. It's been crazy with all the moths around. I went to grab the mop at work (which is kept outside) tonight and about 10 moths flew out of it. I don't even want to think about how unclean the freshly mopped floor is. Ew. And now I have the hiccups. Joy. :) I had the hiccups for 2 years when I was in 5th and 6th grade. It was annoying. I think it was because my teacher made me nervous. She was so scary! Her last name was Witkowski, but we called her Witch-kowski. ha ha ha :)
Now that my hands are completely numb, I thought I had more to say, but I guess I don't. Well, I do, but I don't know where to start.
I must leave a quick note to my 2 favorite bloggers. (if not my only
It's been great seeing you guys up in Ogden every week. It really is the highlight of my week. We really must go hiking!!! I will see if I can get a day off in the not-too-distant-future. Keep smiling and know that I love and miss you!


Gatofeo said...

I too live on Dugway. Yes, there are moths everywhere this year. My cats are also enjoying these free "toys" to chase and pounce upon.
Yesterday, when I got home from work, a small group of people gathered around a car in a driveway across the street. A moment later a police officer showed up.
I yelled across, "What's going on?" and was told, "We're holding a rattlesnake with a stick!"
So I grabbed my camera and got a few photos of the snake being placed in a sack by the officer, who used a grab-stick.
Like me, the officer was sympathetic with Mr. Rattler and said he was taking it some miles away for re-release into the wild. The snake will keep the rodent population down.
It was a nice rattler, about two feet long with alternating stripes of light and slightly darker tan.
It would be hard to see against the dry grass of the desert.
Watch your step out there!