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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Friday, June 27, 2008

Chick Flicks

What a week. I worked almost 40 hours this week. I understand that this is the norm for the average working force today, but when it's at a place like Subway, it just plain sucks. My boss got sick, then the supervisor got sick and what a coincidence, I woke up feeling quite ill this morning. We've been around each other way too much and I'm so glad to be home, not working. Unfortunately, I was planning on going out of town tonight and staying out until sometime later tomorrow. But, since my stomach decided to change my plans, I am here, writing a blog. After regaining my appetite, I went to the local gas station to grab a snack (mostly because I hadn't eaten all day and I was craving liquids that had flavor). Now, our gas station is also our store and video rental place (it's small out here). I saw that there were some videos for sale and decided to check it out. Right as I was about to leave, a certain movie caught my eye and I couldn't help but grab it. Now, this movie was not for sale, but it was a $0.99 rental. I've heard good things about this particular film and I decided that I wanted to rent it. It was a great idea. I felt so weak from the bug that hit me that sitting and watching a movie sounded amazingly wonderful. The selected movie was "27 Dresses." I'm sure most have heard about it. It's about a woman that has been a bridesmaid for 27 different weddings, and on the 27th she meets someone, they annoy each other, bla bla bla, they fall in love. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy chick flicks. For the most part. Lately movies have been an annoyance in my life. A certain family member watches them way too much and takes them to heart a little too deeply. But that, my friends, is another story. So, I have finally come to the conclusion that chick flicks are just plain stupid. Most of the stories are totally unlikely, and are so unbelievabley predictable. Within the first 10 minutes of the film, you can guess (usually) whom will end up with whom or whatever. Now, being a girl, I enjoy the romantic stories and get that feeling that someday I will fall in love...bla bla bla. But, enough is enough. These movies are utterly depressing. Not only do they instill within me the feeling that I wish to be in love, but they usually have a really good-looking guy that I form a short-lived crush on. Of course, the crush is on the character, not the actor. It's so frustrating. Movies are not real life! I am not going to be a maid of honor in my life, I can almost guarantee that. I was once asked to be a bridesmaid, but when I got to the reception, things had changed apparently. I won't go into those details. Anyways. Movies are fun for entertainment, but when they play with your emotions, it's not cool. A semi-recent film came out about 2...maybe 3 years ago called "The Lakehouse." At that time I had a mad crush on someone. I had had this crush for (at that time) 3-4 years. This movie evoked some serious emotions in my mind and heart towards this person I felt deeply for. I even had some hope of having a relationship with him. (but, you must realize that I really had no hope to begin with...ah...I could go off on SO many tangents right now) The movie made the point that maybe it wasn't meant to be at that time, but maybe later. I was stupid. Of course I didn't know it then. Oh well. (man, I still feel sick...ugh)
I'm not sure what my point is here, but it sure feels good to vent about what I'm feeling. This past week our little military base had many troops out for training. Many of these troops decided that they really didn't want those ~wonderful~ MREs and came to Subway for most of their meals. A few guys that came through were VERY good-looking. And I mean my goodness he's hot....good-looking guys. One afternoon a guy came through and started talking to me. He started asking me if I lived here, if I liked it, and what-not. By the time we got to the register he had been told that I go to school at Weber and that I am out here living with my parents for the summer. After he and his buddies finished their meal, he casually walked by and said "when are we coming to your place to watch movies?" Ha ha ha..... The first thought I had was oh dear, the house is SO embarassing and my parents ....oh my parents. So, I made excuses. I'm sure that if I had agreed, he and his buddy/buddies would've been over later that night. It kind of scared me. I was offered a chance to hang out with some guys. Now, the GI's that come out here tend to get bad reputations, so I have never been too keen on the idea that if one asked me out I would actually go. It was so weird. I was totally amazed. On one hand, I was offered a social life for the evening, and on the other hand I had probably just avoided a bad situation. It was such a weird experience. But, it was real life. Ha. The next day another guy came in. He wasn't in uniform, so I don't know if he was in the Army or not. (and...these guys were me) But, before I even got the bread out of the keeper to make his sandwich he was asking questions and making me smile. At one point he even interjected "are you doing anything tonight?" (but I'm not sure if he meant it or's quite possible). He was pretty good-looking and I really enjoyed my conversation with him. I actually hoped that he might leave his phone number for me. Ha. But, alas, life is not a movie (once again). Mister Nice walked out the door getting one last glance in my direction before exiting (I saw him look over) Did I mention that he said that he recognized me from when I worked there 2 years ago? Cool, huh?
With experiences like that and seeing movies like I did tonight...I get so very frustrated. I have never been on a REAL date with a guy more than once. I can count on 2 hands ALL of my dates (including the ones that turned out not to be a date) If you don't count the non-dates, I can count them on one hand. I'm 23. That's not very many. So, when I see romantic movies like 27 Dresses, it is not good. Don't get me wrong. I liked the movie. But, I just am not happy now. Now I have the feelings of...I wish I had a boyfriend, I wish I was getting married, I wish I had a cool, romantic story like that in my life, etc.
Thankfully, I don't. :) But, still, the feelings are there now and I guess I'm trying to rid myself of them by writing out this terrible blog. I almost want to throw away all of my chick flick movies when I get like this. It's so annoying. I know, I know. Someday, I may actually meet somone that will look me in the eyes (instead of looking away) and not be scared to ask for my phone number, and I'll give it to him. But, that has yet to happen. And, until it does, chick flicks can just go to Hades.
(wow...I'm not


Shraon!! said...

THANK you! I didn't particularly like that movie, either. I also don't understand boys, and can count my dates on one hand. What a world.