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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happily Ever After?

I just happened upon an email that was advertising for a new book by Elder Dieter F. Uctdorf. The title of that book is "Your Happily Ever After."
I couldn't've come upon this email at a better (or rather, worse) time.
Everyone around me seems to be getting their 'happily ever afters.' Most of my friends are either engaged, married or moving on with successful careers now. Everyone knows what they want, and they're getting it.
I can't help but wonder...what about me?!
This past Tuesday I only worked for 2 hours. The rest of the day was spent working on a puzzle and watching stuff on netflix. Most of my good friends aren't around anymore. I don't have a boyfriend. My family is far enough away I don't spend any time with them anymore (not that that's a bad thing sometimes...I can only handle my parents for so long...something I'm sure they reciprocate). To say that I'm feeling a little lonely right now is a bit of an understatement.
I've gone to school. I've traveled quite a bit. I've been blessed with many wonderful experiences in my life. But, I still can't help but feel that EVERYTHING in my life right now has fallen short. Fallen short of what you might ask? Many of my dreams/goals in life have never fully been reached. The 2 things I grew up wanting to see in the world were the Twin Towers and the Great Wall of China. I got to go to New York, but that was more than half a decade after the attack. We got to see the site where the towers were, but as I stood inside another building, looking out across the road to where the tragedy occurred, I couldn't help but curse those who ruined one of my dreams. Obviously that desire will never come to fruition. I went to China. The group I was with didn't go see the Great Wall. We saw many other wonderful things, but I highly doubt I will ever have the opportunity to go to China again. I even got to play a short solo with the WSU Wind Ensemble in a concert at Carnegie Hall. This was never really a dream of mine (it's a dream of many others and has been sort of a dream in the sense that it's what I thought others would want of me), but even that fell short when my left hand stopped working and I botched the last part of the solo during the performance. I wanted to go on a mission. I had papers filled out and ready to hand in...then my body reacted poorly to the stress and I got sick. I never went. .......
I don't know if I'm making this point as big as I wanted to. But, I just had to get it off my chest. I know life is never what you expect it to be. But, there has to be some sort of...whatever.
I've even seriously contemplated getting a better job and moving out of Ogden (possibly Utah). EVERY job I have applied to since last year has been a failure (the jobs I have now I NEVER applied to. They were offered to me by friends). No interviews, no offers. I've been working at 5 Buck Pizza for over a year now (I work at a STUPID PIZZA PLACE. HOW FULFILLING IS THAT?!). I took 7 years to finish my degree as a clarinet performance major and STILL don't have a diploma to show for it because I still owe the University money (not to mention my less than enthusiastic desire to ever play my clarinet again). My life is stuck in a HUGE rut. Everything thus far has been almost a dream come true, but always falls short long before it could ever fully come true. For those that say "Happily Ever After," to you I say...HOW? What am I doing wrong? How do I change this?