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"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Too Much to Say, Not Enough Patience to Write it All

So, yesterday was a good day. I was in a weird mood all day, so it could've been better, but considering everything, it was still overall very good. I have gotten to the point that I have to set 3 alarms to wake me up in the morning. The night before I set a 4th alarm to remind myself to charge my phone. That 4th and final alarm was the one that woke me up. Sad, huh? So, having thus slept in, I had to hurry to get some clothes in the wash, eat, shower and leave. Where was I leaving? Well, I was going to go get my oil changed, and get some pictures printed, but since I left so late, none of this was accomplished. Oh well. I still had more important things to do. I drove into Taylorsville to visit my dear friend Anni. It was so good to see her. (You really are a cute pregnant lady!) We chatted and looked at photos for awhile and then we went to a movie. We saw Mama Mia! Now, I had only heard of this movie through previews and commercials. She had actually seen it on stage in New York. So, knowing that, we went to Jordan Landing (which I haven't been to in years!) and watched it. The music was fun, the singing was...pretty good (except for Pierce Brosnon's...if it was even him) and the filming was not sickening. But, I realized later that that movie just didn't quite hit the spot for me. I will not express my opinions because you may either disagree with me, or you may not have seen it and I don't want to spoil anything. Just know that I was kind of surprised and let down by the ending.
After the movie we went to Cold Stone. I was shown the wonderfulness of Cold Stone when I was visiting my friend in San Jose, CA between my junior and senior years in high school. When I found out that there was one in Utah, I flipped. Such wonderful ice cream creations! (that was a sentence fragment if I ever saw one!) But, somehow I have never really eaten there again (I think I ate at the one in Provo, but that was it). We both enjoyed a PB & C milkshake. I drank mine a little too fast. It was so wonderful! Oh well. After saying goodbye to my friend I started to head home. As I was driving towards I-80 on SR 201 I literally had my breath taken away and almost started crying. I had a view to kill for. The sun was setting behind an island on the lake. The lake was in full view and there were a few clouds glowing just above thesummit of the island mountain. The sun's rays broke through the clouds and filled the sky with the most beautiful display of natural light I have ever seen! (the power just flickered...I may not get to publish this!) It was hard to keep my eyes on the road as I watched this amazing sunset unfold before my view. The colors in the sky were the deepest oranges, yellows and pinks I have ever seen. There was even some purple towards the end. I just kept hopeing and praying that the sight would last until I got to a rest stop a couple miles away to take some photographs. The rays had disappeared by the time I turned off my vehicle, but the sight was still breath-taking. I took quite a few pictures, but none of them truly portray the beauty I beheld. I need a professional camera. Oh how I wish I could've just stood there and watched the sunset through it's entirety. But, being a single female on a busy highway rest stop like that, I didn't want to stick around until it got dark. And, I had other motives to get to Tooele before a certain time.
X-Files. I remember my science teacher talking about it all the time in high school. When the district gave all the teachers walkie-talkies for security purposes, she and another teacher gave themselves the code names of Molder and Scully. But, I had never actually seen the show. I ended up watching the first movie when my brother had chosen it for a slumber party. I was confused and freaked out. But, nevertheless, I never forgot it (that's for sure). I have a friend that is an avid fan of the show and recent conversations in the past have finally sparked an interest in the show. Just about the same time rumors of another movie came out. After seeing a few previews for the show, I decided to start from episode #1. I rented it and got hooked immediately. So, it only added to my curiosity about the movie. As I was driving home last night I called the hotline for the theater in Tooele and found out that I Want to Believe was playing at 9:35. That was perfect timing. I was not sure if I really wanted to see another movie though. I was tired, and just wanted to be home. But, I fought over the decision until I got to Tooele. I was going to be good and just keep driving. I did keep driving. I passed the theater and commenced on the last 45 miutes of my drive. Once I left the town I just couldn't stop the thoughts of not seeing the movie. So, I caved. I turned around and made it to the theater just in time to buy my ticket, hit the ladies' room and find a seat. The movie started off quickly and tensely. I was excited to see what happened. Well...folks...I was sorely dissappointed. Only having been recently addicted to the show, I don't know as much about it as I should, but my expectations were not met. I still want to believe! :) It was a good movie (a little disturbing at times) if you don't look at it as an X-Files movie, but if you think it's about's not.
I think it was good that I saw this movie though. It put me in a mood for the rest of the drive home that I needed to be in. I turned off the radio and had a conversation with myself. There were many tears, and maybe some laughs...I'm not sure. But, we all need to talk to ourselves sometimes. I started saying that I just wanted to be home. But, when I pictured my bed in my bedroom, I wasn't satisfied that that was home. It just wasn't. Then I thought of my bed in my appartment at school. That, I realized, is home. I'm homesick. I want to go back to Ogden. I never want to live here again. My biological family lives here in Dugway, but my spiritual family is in Ogden. (not to say that my biological family isn't my spiritual family) I miss my friends and my life there. School can't start soon enough.
Well, there is a wonderful storm blowing outside. Maybe it will actually rain. And, who knows...I might get to hear that thunder storm I've been waiting all summer to hear. Here's to hoping!


Annie said...

Don't feel bad. I usually hit my snooze button 4 or 5 times...or more, depending on my lack of sleep. It's a terrible habit and I should break it. Habits are sure hard to break. sigh

I love Cold Stone! Their ice cream is SO good. cream! When we ever go on our hike, we should stop there also. There's one in Layton. Ice cream is a wonderful problem reducer! Love ya!