Blogger Templates
"You Don't Find Who You Truly Can Be Until You Have Lost Everything You Once Were. " -Chad Hymas
"Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time." -Thomas Edison

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Another Weight Issue Blog...

I, YET AGAIN, have lost some weight and turned around to gain more.
The stretch marks, the rolls, the tight's really getting to me.
I keep trying to lose weight, but I get in my own way.
I freak out, get stressed out about something else, get sick or whatever the case may be and fall off the bandwagon after about a week of any changes made... EVERY FREAKING TIME!
I'm TIRED of being THAT person.
I'm more comfortable in my own skin than I've ever been (except for when I was about 75 pounds lighter).
(This was taken in April 2009...I weighed in around 185 and my size 16 pants were falling off in that picture)

I don't hate myself anymore, but I don't want to be this blob of a person. I want to be that confident, healthier person that looks like she can conquer the world (which is literally how I felt in that picture)
I cannot physically do the work I've been in school all year learning to do.
Besides the mental games, I have physical issues keeping me from losing weight.
I did sprain my ankle back at the end of May and still have issues (for example-yesterday in my clinic rotation I could barely walk by the end due to the spasming and cramping from my ankle to my mid-thigh and screamed in pain the entire way home). I also have tendonosis that flares up in one or both of my achilles whenever I start something up as well. My right knee also has some issues. I'm not sure what exactly (as I have no recollection of injuring it), but it swells up, and the ligaments hurt anytime I contract my quads. I also have my lower back pain that tries to get in the way as well...but I'm fairly used to it now.
So, I do have a bit of an excuse for not being terribly physically active. But that just makes it worse. And, I know if I could lose some weight, a lot of these problems would be lessened or even removed. I have had the goal of running a 5k ever since I was at that 185 mark. One time I went running around my hometown and afterwards realized I had run over 4 miles...and I wasn't even tired! I actually REALLY enjoy running. Every time I start a new exercise routine I end up in pain. And it's not minor pain that can just be ignored. It's a horrible cycle.
What I'd really like to do someday is a Ragnar. No joke!
Along with my exercise woes, I have food issues.
I eat compulsively even though I actually hate food.
When I was preparing meals on Sunday for the rest of the week I couldn't bring myself to eat them because I had no appetite. I really truly hate food (I can't live without it, I'm addicted to it, and it disgusts me all at the same time).
Maybe I need to go on The Biggest Loser.
A friend of mine up at Weber applied to be on that show. I thought for sure she would get on. I had no need to even consider going on that show because I wasn't ridiculously overweight. Now I am.
NBC....if you ever see this...PICK ME!!!! ( that's going to happen...but it's worth a shot!) :)
I don't know why I'm posting this right now. I guess today it really hit me.
I've got some walking dvds. Maybe I'll start there.
The next 2 weeks are going to be rough as I'm working 8am to 6:30pm and going straight to school from 7pm to 10:30pm. I don't know if I'll have the umph I need to start something new, but I can't wait until school is out to start. I have to start now.
I really need a miracle.

Monday, November 4, 2013

I Miss My Music

Today I realized that the holiday season is fast approaching. Usually this time of year I'm busy being involved with one group or project or another. It used to stress me out, but I LOVED getting to be involved. Music really is at the core of my being, and I've been ignoring that.
I haven't touched my clarinet more than a handful of times since I started school-mostly for the UCMT talent show (which was a joke). I rarely get to play the piano as well. I haven't gotten to sing, other than blasting my radio in my car and singing along.
When I was at Weber I was in the institute choir, the orchestra and wind ensemble on campus and I had my church calling(s). Like I said, it was stressful, but I miss is so very much.
I miss having my entire life run over by my involvement in music. I miss feeling like I was part of something. I miss feeling the power of music. One can listen to music anytime, but to create it yourself is a different experience altogether. And again, I MISS IT!
What I wouldn't give to be back in school at Weber with the institute choir preparing for the Christmas program. What I wouldn't give to be doing ANYTHING!
It's literally killing me right now to not be involved.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Repost:The Personal Story of One Girl's Addiction to Pornography

I came across this blog post on Facebook yesterday. It comes from the blog: I feel strongly about spreading this around and sharing it in every way possible. I have known too many people that struggle with this or something similar. Please read it. Please let it help you understand yourself (even if you don't have an addiction). Please let it help you understand those in your life that are dealing with addiction.


The Personal Story of One Girl's Addiction to Pornography

I have a dear friend who has struggled with a pornography addiction for seven years and who bravely agreed to let me interview her as a way to reach out and help others (both women and men) who may be struggling with a pornography addiction, as well as give insight to those who may know someone who has an addiction. She is an active member of the church and a student at Brigham Young University. This interview is for an article that will be published next year in a much-edited form, but I wanted her sincere, unabridged voice to be heard the way that I heard it. Speaking with her has touched me and has changed my perspective on sin and the Atonement, as well as having changed my life. 

(Her name has been omitted to keep her identity anonymous. "A" merely stands for "Answer.")

M: How did this all start? When did you realize that you had an addiction?
A: The first encounter I had was the summer after seventh grade. It was just on YouTube. It wasn’t super explicit or anything, but it was the first time that curiosity was aroused. Like addictions always do, it just kind of escalated. I guess I admitted I had a problem to myself in 9th grade. The first person I told was my older brother at the end of 9th grade. It wasn’t until a few months later that I told my mom and she encouraged me to see my bishop. I saw my bishop when I was sixteen. Then I worked with him, and then we got a new bishop, and I kept working with new bishops and leaders and told more and more people. Then, when I was 18 I went to college. When I got here, that’s when I found out about the addiction recovery group and started going to those meetings.
M: What was your family’s response?
A: They were incredible. My brother was the first person I told. He just sat me down and put his arm around me and kept telling me that it was okay. He shared experiences of his own to try to make me feel normal. He told me anything he knew that he thought would help me. He told me he wouldn’t tell anyone until I was ready. When I told my mom, I remember, it was after a young women’s activity. I was really active in young women’s. Everyone got along with me, everyone was my friend and it came really naturally to me. But I always felt really guilty, like a fat liar all the time. Leaders would always tell me how great I was. But I was like, “You don’t even know who I really am.” Everything they said was invalid because of a secret I kept. 

I got home from mutual one night. I was sitting in the kitchen, and my mom was just cleaning dishes.  I just said, “Mom, there’s something I need to tell you.” And after I told her, she just said, “That makes so much sense.” It was because I had this aversion to being touched. She always asked me if someone had been molesting me, but I said no. She said, “That makes so much sense that you would feel so… you don’t want to be violated, you don’t like being touched.” She sat me down on the couch and straight-out asked me questions, because our computer is in the family room. She said, “Aren’t you afraid that people will come in?” And I said, “Yeah, but I did it anyway.” After that, she put locks on the computer. She started checking up on me.  But she always asked me, “Do you think this will help you?” She never acted like disgusted or shocked or anything. I didn’t understand that other people’s reactions would be different. I think my mom kind of understands because she was a convert to the church as a teenager, so she’s more realistic when it comes to things in the world. 

While I was in the middle of telling her about my shame, my young women’s leader called me right at that moment. She just called to tell me how awesome she thought I was. She said she knew I wasn’t perfect, but she just really loved me and thought I was amazing. When I hung up the phone, my mom was like, “That was God speaking to you and telling you what He sees in you.” She never negated any other good thing I was doing, even though that was my natural instinct—to feel that any good thing I could do was counteracted by the bad things I did. She encouraged me to see my bishop even though I didn’t want to at all.  You technically don’t have to see your bishop, but I would definitely recommend it. She never pushed me, though. 

I decided to see my bishop. It was hard because he had been my bishop since I was eight. He was there when I got baptized. It was really hard, but it was good. He said it was a really common problem in the church, even for women. That was the first time it occurred to me that it wasn’t normal for a woman to have this problem. He said, “even women”. He kind of said it in a way that seemed like it was a man’s problem but women can sometimes have it, too. Then I realized I had never had a young women’s lesson on it. There was a lesson on media, talking about how you shouldn’t watch bad media. I remember feeling really guilty. But I remember mostly feeling really guilty because they didn’t even mention it. I felt like, “Oh, my gosh, they don’t even feel like they need to mention it.” I guess it’s just not a thing on most women’s radars… except for me. My bishop gave me an assignment of a few scriptures to read. I read all of them, and I came back and I remember he was so shocked at the work I had put into it. He said, “I’ve never seen someone work so hard.” And I said, “I really, really, really want to be over this.” 

I thought that would be it. I just kind of assumed it would go away. But it didn’t. It was really frustrating to me that I had repented so many times, since I was thirteen and I realized what I was doing was wrong, I would pray and repent and read my scriptures—I read my scriptures every single day to try to compensate, because I read that if you read your scriptures you’ll be able to overcome temptation, so I read the whole Book of Mormon when I was thirteen. I read it every single day for six months, and I was convinced that if I would do that I would be able to get over it. But I didn’t. And I felt betrayed that it didn’t work. Satan made me feel like I wouldn’t ever get over it, and that it wasn’t going to work because it wasn’t working right now. But I definitely think that, because said my prayers all the time, read my scriptures, wrote in my journal everyday—I did everything I could do to make up for what I was doing. I definitely think that it helped me. It helped me gain a testimony, like doing those things always will. It also helped prevent me from doing other, worse things I could have done, which I’m grateful for. Even though I have this addiction, I still have a testimony of the Church. If I hadn’t kept being obedient in the other areas, my addiction could have taken me off the deep end.

M: So you went above and beyond what is expected of young women as a way to try to compensate. Would you want to tell the other people who may be struggling with this that their addiction does not negate the good things that they’re doing?
A: For sure. That’s still something I’m working on every single day, something I have to tell myself over and over again. Some days there’s just a really strong... like Satan has a really good strategy. “You’ve already messed up today, so why read your scriptures? What do you think—that you’re going to be a good person because you read your scriptures?” I am a firm believer that there’s not some chalk board in heaven where they’re saying, “Good thing, bad thing, good thing…” It’s a way of life. Failure in one area of your life isn’t going to take away from all the good things that you’re doing.
M: I know we read and hear a lot about how a man’s addiction to pornography affects the women in his life and the way he sees them—because you are a woman, how do you think that affects you?
A: It’s definitely been hard. A lot of times in General Conference they’ll say this is a problem for men and women, but somehow our culture doesn’t catch up to that idea. It’s talked about all the time in priesthood. Even culturally, not in the church, there’s this idea that women are not as much sexually driven, and that it’s women’s job to fight men off. You try to make sure that you’re not a temptation for men. 
M: I was recently watching a TED talk about the difference between guilt and shame—guilt is “I did a bad thing”, shame is “I am a bad person", and I think in a religion that emphasizes good works it can be hard to differentiate between the two, which sometimes makes it hard for us to truly accept the Atonement. It’s difficult for us to realize that God’s love never wavers and our divine nature never changes.
A: The difference between guilt and shame, I think, is a huge thing. I remember one experience I had. It was my sophomore year in college. I remember I messed up again for the millionth time, and I was so frustrated with myself. I was praying, but I was yelling at anything that would listen, “Heavenly Father, how can you forgive me? I keep doing it, then I keep apologizing, but I keep doing it and then apologizing. Why do you keep buying it? I’m not even buying it anymore!” 

But then I got this overwhelming impression saying, “Stop pretending you understand how much I love you or how I can forgive you, because you never will be able to. Just trust that I can. That’s all you need to know.” 

It just hit me that we try to project our own understanding on God. We think that because we keep messing up He should stop trusting us, but that’s not how God sees it. He sees our potential and our desires. He sees everything about us, things we don’t even know about ourselves yet. So obviously, he has a different perspective on our mistakes than we do, because He’s God. We need to stop projecting our human, our tiny, tiny perspectives on Him. I feel like when we look around at the world for understanding, it often doesn’t come. That’s been really hard for me since coming to school. I go to one addiction recovery meeting a week because there’s only one I’m allowed to go to. It’s a men and women, general addiction, drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, everything like that. And it’s awesome! I love it! But it gets hard being with the people there who have normal meetings specifically for their addiction. 

I’ve called the administrative offices for addiction recovery and asked, “Are there any meetings for women?” And they say, “Yes, we have meetings for women—women who are affected by their husbands’ addictions.” But I say, “No… do you have any for women who have addictions?” And they say, “Yes, but they’re in Springville or Draper, not here at BYU. Sorry!” 

I went ahead and went to a women’s meeting, but it was all about helping women whose husbands keep messing up all the time, that they should be patient with them, don’t take it personally.  It helped a little, because I thought, “I should be patient with myself.” It didn’t help very much, though, because it was this attitude of “boys will be boys.” There’s just this idea that a woman having this problem would be appalling. Every time I go to a meeting, it’s the same: “I have an eating disorder.” Or maybe it’s self-harm, because that’s what college girls struggle with. College boys struggle with pornography addictions. They have a men’s pornography addiction meeting literally every day of the week, two, three, four times a day. And I can’t go because it says, “Men only.” It’s just so frustrating to me because I feel like for guys it’s like, “It happens a lot. Just repent.” But I know that there are girls out there who struggle with this addiction! 

You wouldn’t guess by looking at me that I have an addiction. I was on the seminary council, I went to church and mutual and the temple every week. I read my scriptures and say my prayers every day. You look at me and you think, “She has it all together.” Every time I tell people, they’re completely shocked. I know that there are other people like me that exist. I know that they’re there. It just makes me sad that they can’t come forward. I had to claw my way out to find help, I had to force people to help me. I have the kind of personality where I can do that, but some people can’t. Some people don’t have parents or a support group like I do, who will help them to not have that shame. So they’ll stay in that little shell. I went through personal counseling with a sex addiction counselor. I went online and I found an online women’s support group. For people who don’t have help like that, I honestly don’t know how they deal with the shame. Things my counselor has told me are, “Don’t be ashamed, because shame is not productive. Shame only makes addictions worse because it leads to despair, not hope.”

But about what you said before, I remember my sophomore year I had a breakdown. I was curled up in the fetal position on my couch, just crippled by my shame and despair. Not only had I been struggling with this since I was thirteen. I’d been repenting since it started. I had been seeing bishops since I was thirteen. I felt like I had been exercising faith throughout the whole thing. But my roommates came in and I didn’t want to tell them what I was going through because they weren’t the type of people who would understand. One of the girls was just so good at life and it’s so hard for her to understand weakness. She has a very “just do it” personality. The other one was kind of judgmental, someone who would look at another girl and say, “Her skirt is so short.” I didn’t feel like I could tell them, but I had an impression that I should probably tell them what was going on. After telling them, I said, “I know I’m disgusting. I know you may not want to be around me anymore.” 

My judgmental roommate said, “No, I don’t feel any differently about you.” I retorted, “I’ve heard you say that you think porn addicts are disgusting, and that you don’t want to be around them. Now you’re telling me you don’t feel any differently about me—you’re lying.” She said, “It’s different when you know them.” I said, “It shouldn’t be, because that’s who I am.” 

It’s hard because people say things like, “Porn addicts are so gross, they’re so disgusting. If I’m around them, they’re probably looking at me all weird.” They don’t understand that they are talking about people. That those people exist. That they have other things about them. I mean, yeah… I do think about sex a lot. I try not to. It’s really hard. That’s a big reason why I do have a testimony of modesty. I know how hard it is. I don’t think it’s our responsibility to dress modestly just so others won’t have bad thoughts, but, you know, whatever we can do to help each other out—that’s good. I like it when people do the same for me.

Different people’s addictions stem from different things, there’s different things about it. It’s been a long journey for me to remember that people, if they knew, they wouldn’t say things like that. It’s so hard. Satan tells you, “If people say that they love you, they’re lying to you. You’ve heard your friends say that they would never marry a porn addict. You’ve heard guys say that they want a girl who is virtuous, whose price is above rubies. And you’re not.” But that’s not how God sees it.

 M: I think this will be a good thing for people to realize, that the people they’re talking about—if they knew those people they wouldn’t feel that way. I think one thing people may not be able to understand about people who are addicted to pornography is why. For men, they like looking at naked women because it’s sexually stimulating. But for women—what is the why behind that?
A: Honestly, I don’t know. I ask myself why every single day. After a certain point, it’s not that you enjoy it—it’s that you’re crippled without it. At first, I was curious because I didn’t really know anything about sex. It was new. One thing leads to another. There are so many different things to explore. I’m just a curious person by nature. I like knowing things. I wanted to know what this was. They’ve done studies that show that pornography stimulates the same receptors in your brain that crack does. It stimulates the pleasure center in your brain. There are so many different kinds of pornography. Women are frequently addicted to romance novels because that caters to the more emotional side of things. There’s a spectrum of things that appeal to different wants and needs. It goes deeper and deeper down. I've viewed things that appealed to the side of me that likes hot guys. I've also viewed things that dealt with the desire for an emotional connection. But, at a certain point, it’s just addiction. You need something to stimulate that part of you, so you’ll just go to the next step, which makes you need it even more. Honestly, half the time, when I’m done… I’m disgusted. I can see why people would be disgusted, because it is disgusting. But you’re brain gets on that track of, “This is the only thing that will make me happy.” With drug addicts, too, after you’re done you feel horrible, you don’t even feel good. It’s just what your brain tells you you need. A lot of it isn’t even about what you’re seeing, it’s just what it evokes in your brain. Pornography has so many facets. It can get anyone on anything. There are so many ways to get you.
M: If you could give one last message for anyone who might be struggling with this or need a different perspective on this, what would that message be?
A: I have two messages—one for people who are struggling with it and one for people who want to know how to treat people who are struggling with it. 

 To people with addictions, I would say to remember that your addiction doesn’t define you. We know that God has a plan for our lives. I know that God plans for our mistakes. He knows you so well and He knows what will make you the person you need to become. Your mistakes are part of that plan. Christ can take those mistakes and make them into something positive. He doesn’t just erase them—He takes them and uses them to make you into a stronger person. I wouldn’t trade my addiction for anything. Because of it, I know without a doubt in my mind that Christ lives and that He atoned for my sins and that repentance is real. Because of this, I know Christ. When I’m down on my knees, in the pit of despair, He’s the one that comes to me. Because of this, I’ve developed compassion. Because I’m still not over it, there’s still more things that it can teach me. I don’t know what they are, but I know that I’m a much stronger person than I ever would have been without it. Allow Christ to be there for you. Don’t confuse your mistakes with who you are.

To people who want to understand more about people with addictions: They all say, “Hate the sin, not the sinner.” The Atonement covers all sins. Instead of focusing on sin, we need to focus on how great the Atonement is. Focusing on how bad sin is isn’t going to help anyone—it leads to despair, hopelessness, and isolation. The most important thing is to remember that the Atonement covers all sins. Luckily for us, we don’t have to deal with the darkness of sin if we choose to focus on the light of the Atonement. 

Friday, October 18, 2013


Lately I have realized how unfeminine I am and feel. For work I am made to wear black bottoms and a black polo. At school I have to wear black pants and my black uniform shirt. Due to my weight gain I pretty much only wear 1 of 2 pairs of black capris I own. They have elastic in the waistband. Not one inch of those capris makes me feel pretty. I sometimes wear earings or a flower in my hair, but to no avail. I almsot feel unworthy of such beautiful things. My hair is only not in a ponytail of some sort when I'm sleeping, (sometimes), showering (sometimes) or on the rare days I'm not at school or work. When my hair isn't tangled in an elastic, gobs of it are falling everywhere. My acne has taken over again. I think I'm allergic to my shampoo (zits around the hairline...pretty suspicious if you ask me). My work visor adds to the nastiness around my hairline. Due to my PCOS, I have ever-increasing black hairs growing on my chin.
I'm fat. My face looks like a blob.
My teeth aren't exactly desirable.
I fart WAY too much.

I want to feel pretty again.

It's been over two years since I've been on a date. I don't even think a guy has looked me in the eyes and seen me as anything more than a sandwich maker, cashier, or massage giver since I left Ogden.

Yes, I'm having a pity party. Get over it.

I feel so gross, even if I'm fresh out of the shower.

I haven't had a haircut in months and my contacts just bit the dust. Now I'm doomed to wear my glasses until further notice. I HATE wearing glasses. Glasses make me feel just that much more ugly and unfeminine.

I want to cry but I've already been on such an emotional roller coaster the past 24 hours that I just don't have it in me. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a good cry.
Who knows.

I just want to feel like a woman again. Is that so much to ask?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Crazy Idea #...who knows...

Tonight in my sports massage class we talked about evaluating our clients and using that to figure out how to bettter help them. One thing led to another and (tell me how this could possibly be a sane idea...) I've got this crazy idea of applying to medical school to become an orthopedic physician.
I'd probably need about a year of pre-med courses, then I'd have to take the MCAT and THEN...apply to med school....if I actually got in, then it would be 4+ MORE years of schooling/internshipping/reaidency-ing and so on.
This is just another crazy idea that I'll consider for a few days or weeks, look into and suddenly forget, right???

Friday, September 27, 2013


One of my classmates put up a countdown timer on our Facebook group page.
There are 83 days left until graduation.
That is less than 3 months.
October 1st is just 4 days away.
There is about (my math may be off...I had 4 hours of sleep last night) 92 days until the last day of this year.


I have never felt this much anxiety before.
I'm anxious about being able to afford the national certification exam.
I'm anxious about PASSING the exam.
I'm anxious about what I'm going to do AFTER the exam.
I'm anxious about HOW I'm going to do what I do after the exam once I actually decide.

Those are my more long-term anxieties.
My short-term anxieties include getting offered a new job today, dealing with EXTREMELY negative people in my class (including myself) and trying to figure out all the long-term anxieties.

I don't know how I'm going to survive this.

Yes, it is just 3 months away and all of this will just be a memory, but this is a HUGE deal.
I'm still struggling with actually wanting to be a massage therapist. But, I have no choice. This will be my career for awhile. When I finish school and pass my exams I will be a licensed massage therapist.
I have a bachelor's degree and somehow I'm more anxious about saying I'm a LMT.
I'm grateful for countdowns.
They keep me sane.
The countdowns remind me just how unprepared and undecided I really am.

Like I said...

FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So, there was this one time...

Most who read this (if there is anyone) know I am studying massage therapy. In July we started our clinic rotations. These rotations include working on 5 clients for 50 minutes each.

This past Saturday I was going along, enjoying my clinic shift, enjoying working with my clients and looking forward to going home. I got to my final client and that's when it got interesting. First of all, the client took a VERY long time explaining his issues (that's not the point of this story though), so by the time I FINALLY got him to the booth and had stepped out so he could disrobe and get on the table I was already running behind (we are timed). Before I had gotten to this point I will mention that the table had been excessively noisy and I had been a little concerned about its stability. Due to the nature of our 'booths' you can hear pretty much everything going on (thank you curtains). I was listening to my client get onto the table and preparing myself to enter. Then suddenly, horrifically, and (sadly) unsurprisingly, I heard a big cracking/crashing sound. I'm sure you can imagine, I had the worst image in my mind. I had pictured the table collapsed in the middle with my client splayed everywhere in a mangled mess. (Thank heavens that wasn't the case!) I asked the client if he was ok and he said yes. I wanted to just jump in to the booth and make sure everything was ok, but just before I opened the curtain I remembered he was naked and most likely NOT under the sheets. I asked him if he was covered, he said no, so I asked him to get dressed...apologizing profusely the whole time. After he got dressed I walked in and surveyed the damage. One of the support beams had broken loose. The table was not even remotely safe at this point sooooo...obviously I was in an interesting situation.
I had him walk downstairs with me to the office and I told the managers the situation. Their reactions were fun (the look of surprise was entertaining...). When I left the booth upstairs I grabbed the sheets from the table expecting I'd be needing a fresh set because I thought, for some reason, I would be told to set up for another client while someone else would take my client...I'm not sure why I thought this might happen, but it's what I was thinking. I didn't bring anything else with me; just the 2 sheets and the towel. After explaining the situation they told me I could go into the room next to them and take a booth in there. So, with no bungee (to secure the linens to the table), a bolster that was just sitting in the office and a replacement face rest cover (supplied to me almost instantly by the office staff) I went to the next room and proceeded to set up my booth. Only, my client was watching the entire time (kind of annoying if you ask me). I realized I had left my bungee and had to improvise by tying knots in the corners of the sheets (this has NEVER worked well for me in class, but miraculously it worked just fine this time). And, as I was just about done setting up, I realized I had left my clock upstairs and I was in a booth in which there was NO clock.
So, trusting I could do my regular session flow (which usually ends up being around 50 minutes) I started.
I worked on my client and did my best, and I have NO idea how long his session really was, but I think, all things considered, it went pretty well.
It was DEFINITELY an experience to remember.
And, honestly, other than the fact that it made me get out of clinic a lot later than I had hoped for (I usually finish around 6:15-ish, I finished at 6:50-ish...and there was another situation that made me later as well, but that was NOT my fault...I promise) it wasn't a big deal. I really hope it doesn't happen again though.
So there you have it.
My massage table broke on me when my client got on it.
Thank HEAVENS it's the school's table! :-D

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Standards are Ok Somtimes!

I may be far from perfect and I may not know exactly what I stand for these days, but I do know one thing:
I'm so unbelievably grateful that I grew up with certain standards and expectations (from friends and church leaders).
Some people tell me I'm missing out on some wonderful things in life by not drinking (and trust me, sometimes, especially very recently, I wish I did drink...I'm the only one in my massage class that has NOT had an alcoholic far as I know at least). The only negative thing on my record (if it's even still there) is a speeding ticket that I got when I didn't even know the speed limit...still makes me mad). I have never committed any crime which means I have never been arrested, I have never done drugs and, therefore, have never been caught using them.
In my class tonight we got to fill out the application for state licensure in massage therapy. We went through dozens of questions. Many of which asked about felonies. I am so unbelievably grateful I have a clean record and don't have to deal with any of that. Getting to see a little of what those that do have felonies have to go through is more than enough.
I am so glad that, despite my questions and doubts, I have never had a troublesome childhood and that I don't have to deal with any of that. If nothing else, being a Mormon...a GOOD Mormon, has saved me a lot of grief in trying to become a professional.
Tonight I feel blessed and EXTREMELY lucky!

Friday, September 6, 2013


Tuesday while at work I happened to hear my phone going off so I picked it up. It was my mom. My mom NEVER calls me, so I figured it was urgent or at least somewhat important, and I answered.
She informed me that she was driving into town because my dad was on an ambulance on his way to the ER.
Long story short...because I'm too tired to write much.
My dad had a moderate stroke. He's still at the hospital with hopes of being released tomorrow. BUT, if he goes home it won't be a good thing. He needs intense therapy in so many ways. I really hope that the insurance company will work with my parents and allow him to be put in a transitional rehabilitation center for a while. He can't take care of himself. My mom can't take care of herself the way she needs to as well. There's NO way he'll be safe if he goes home right now.
From what I observed my dad seemed fine.
He says things are different, but he doesn't seem any different. He's been known to over-exaggerate things and I can't help but wonder if this is the case right now.
I was feeling ok about things yesterday when he was showing signs of improving (his speech had cleared up). He's frustrated that he can't do much, but he hasn't been able to do much for months now. I don't get why it's suddenly a problem now. Maybe this stroke has opened his eyes. I don't know.
I'm feeling extremely angry about everything right now.
It's absolutely horrible for me to say this, but a good portion of me wishes that it had just taken him out. He's suffered through so much. His mind, body and soul need rest.
But, life as usual never disappoints with its shitiness.
I am more than certain that my family doesn't trust or respect me. As emergency contacts my brother and aunt were put down. My mom even called my aunt before she called me as she was driving to the ER. I half wonder if I wasn't the last person to be informed. I'm surprised I was even notified at all to be honest.
I know I'm being insanely selfish and self-centered, but it's how I feel right now.
I am so angry and so hurt.
I try to make jokes to cheer up everyone in the room and I just get blank stares as if I have said the worst thing possible. (No wonder I suffer from confidence issues...)
I feel that my family is only my family by definition.
No one tells me anything and no one trusts my opinion or even my knowledge.
It makes me so angry!!!
I'm mad at my mom for thinking she can handle taking care of my dad when she can barely take care of herself. She's soooooo unhealthy and sooooo hard to communicate with.
I feel guilty pretty much anytime I go to her for any kind of mother-daughter need.
The worst part is, I can't seem to separate myself enough to not feel like I need my family anymore.
I wish more than anything that I could just get over it and let go.
More than anything, my father's stroke has shown me more of the true colors of my family members.
I'm so tired of it.
I hate it.
I'm glad that my dad is better and better enough that he wasn't made a vegetable (because that is SOOO much worse than actually dying from such a thing!). I just hope that the therapists can help him and that if/when he goes back home he doesn't fall back into old habits and actually get worse. I don't trust my mom. She's too busy with her job.

I need a therapist and I need to move away.

Maybe if I leave the state and cut off all communication with them they'll realize I was worth something to them and they'll actually make an effort to include me.

I'm so done.

I'm so angry right now that I could punch a hole in the wall.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Slim Fast:Day 5 (last day)

I just weighed myself before getting in the shower to get ready for school. I weighed in at 246. So from my weigh in at my plasma donation on August 16th I have lost 13 pounds. I'm pretty proud of this! Actually I'm ecstatic!  :) I talked to my aunt today and she's going to help me start eating healthy again. I'm so excited. I can't wait to make these changes permanent. I'm not planning on doing slim fast again unless I need a quick loss. But I got what I needed and wanted. I got to use my motivation and got a jump start on making some real changes. 
Here's to the next stage of my adventure!

Monday, August 26, 2013


So, I couldn't hold my curiosity at bay.
I just HAD to see if I was losing any weight yet.
I'm on day 3 of my 5 day self challenge of doing the Slim Fast diet.
I just weighed myself about 10 minutes ago.
Saturday night I weighed 253.
Today I was at 248.
That's 5 pounds!!!!
(And...if you count from when I weighed in for donating plasma, got my wake up call and stopped drinking soda I'm down 11 pounds!)
I know that's a lot for such a short time frame.
From what I've heard, read, etc the first few days it can come off fairly fast and then it slows down.
That's ok.
5 pounds makes a difference though.
I really can feel the difference.
I'm not starving (although last night my salad was lacking in the satisfying department...I caved and had an extra meal bar...)
I actually feel like I have energy.
So, today marks 1 full week without soda and 1 full day of no Subway cookies (my biggest downfall).
I'm feeling pretty excited about this!!
I think I might just stick with the Slim Fast thing for awhile. Maybe until I just can't stand it anymore.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I know...I'm selfish.

So, 2 weeks ago my bishop told me he had asked the music coordinator in our ward to put together a musical number that would include me.
Last Sunday I finally got music in my hands.
Today we performed.

The song we performed was "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul" from the LDS musical, "Joseph Smith, the Prophet."

I don't know where I heard this song originally (I think it was through Choralaires). But, I know I loved it the first time I heard it. I was excited to get to play it. I really was...even though my faith is lacking and I can't say that I would want to sing the words of the song. I think the music is beautiful beyond words.

So, today we did our musical number.

It went well, especially considering that we put it together this morning.

I'm feeling so ridiculously bitter.

The only people that told me good job was the bishop and one of his counselors.

I'm so used to getting numerous compliments. I'm so used to my friends, strangers and people I kind of know coming up to me afterwards and telling me how wonderful I did.

Not ONE SINGLE friend came up to me afterwards.

I've been in this ward since January. I've 'made friends' but I still feel so alone in this ward. I'm so over it.

Despite my struggles with my faith, I put myself into that song. I feel like no one could've cared less that I was involved and was appreciative of what I contributed.

I may as well have not played.

Like I said.

I'm selfish.

I just feel super let down right now.

It's not like I felt anything anyways.

I was just happy to play the piano again. I just don't remember it making me feel this angry (oh wait...there was this one time I played a 28 page long song for the Choralaires...that's when my faith started crashing).


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Slim Fast

Last week I decided to donate plasma (first time). My carpool buddy does it regularly and he talked me into it. During the process of making sure I could donate I had to step on a scale and be reminded how not light I am. When my 'interviewer/medical person' told me my weight I just about cried. I was one pound short of 260.
That's crazy!!!!!
I have been piling on the weight daily. I made a post on Facebook to vent my disgust with myself. One of my friends responded and got me convinced to give up soda. So, as of today I have made it a week without soda. That's a big deal! Especially with the fact that I work where there are 2 soda fountains that I have unlimited access to.
I was also apparently bloated due to pms, but as of tonight I was at 153. So, whether it was bloating, cutting out soda, differences in scales or some of all, I have dropped some weight since last Friday. Thank heavens!
Thursday night in my pathology class we discussed diabetes. Last week we also had a class discussion on healthy lifestyles and the current obesity crisis. Needless to say, I've been outright depressed. I am overweight and definitely obese. My body is starting to breakdown from it. My legs swell every night to the point of pain. My knees hurt. My feet and ankles hurt and my back hurts.
I've had enough for real this time. I talked to my mom today venting my frustrations. She seemed to think it was OK that I'm gaining weight. I love my mother, but I fear that she has gotten to the point that she has made enough excuses and justified everything so much that she almsot thinks that I should be obese. When I told her I can tell I'm on the fast track to becoming diabetic, she didn't sound sad or disappointed.
Oh how it makes me sad!
It also makes me more determined than ever to make some necessary changes.
I may not have the support of my immediate family (pretty certain I'm alone when it comes to them right dad's health is failing, my brother doesn't really communicate with me and my mom has so many nightmares to deal with I feel guilty even texting her), but I don't need them for this. If I'm ever going to have a family of my own I want to be better than this. I want to be a hiking, bike-riding, swimming, running, yoga and Pilates loving health nut (possibly vegetarian).
After my pathology class I vented again my frustrations with my weight. A dear friend from Ogden told me of her friend that does health coaching. I contacted her and might possibly start that program. I'm not sure yet. It involves pre-packaged foods. It can't be a permanent solution as I want to get to eating fresh meals that are free of processed gunk. I want real food, from the earth. But, until I can get to that point, this program may be worth using to get down to my ideal weight. According to my height I should be at about 160 to have a healthy BMI. That means I have about 100 pounds to lose.
Since I couldn't afford to plop down almost $100 for my first round of food for the program I talked to that lady about, I decided to hold off for now until I can afford it. But, maybe this Friday (payday) I will do it. As I was feeling that I needed to do something immediately about my commitment to get started, I went to Walmart. I knew that they had a kit from Nutrisystem which is very similar to the program I'm thinking about doing. I found it and started looking at it. I was not impressed. I got to looking down the aisle and saw the countless Slim Fast products. I got to looking and came to the conclusion it was a good place to start. So, I purchased enough shakes and bars to last about 5 (possibly 7, I'm not sure honestly) days. My goal is just to make it 5 days. If I can do this for 5 days it will hopefully kickstart my efforts to lose weight and who knows...maybe I'll just stick with it.
Today was my first day. I had my massage clinic shift and surprisingly enough, I survived just fine. I had a shake for breakfast, a meal bar for lunch and 2 snack bars and a bag of their snack cracker things, then I had a club salad from Subway (thank you perks from food!). I'm a little hungry right now, but if I could bring myself to drink more water I'd probably be just fine. Anyways.
Tonight I weighed 253.
That's my starting weight. When I get to Friday I'll check where I'm at. I'll also decide then what I'm going to do. I saw a video on YouTube of a girl that was on her way to doing the Slim Fast diet for a full year. I don't know if I can do that, but I have started and I can't wait to see where this path takes me.
I still want to learn to cook and prepare healthy meals on my own. But, that won't be happening anytime soon. Maybe after I graduate. Anywho.
I can't wait to see where I get to.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Rondom Venting Session...

...Because I need to...

I don't know why, but I am not handling life very well right now.

I haven't taken my anti-depressant for almost a month now and I'm beginning to realize that was probably a bad idea (even though it wasn't helping THAT much...if anything, I was getting more depressed).

After my car overheated and needed to get a new radiator, I broke down as well.

Every person I'm around (well, ALMOST) drives me up the wall now. I am no longer tolerant and patient (not that I was much of that to begin with). I get anxious and irritated when I have to work with pretty much every one of my coworkers. There are some people in my class at school that I cannot stand at all anymore (one I carpool with...just the sound of her voice makes me anxious). Worst of all...I can't stand myself.

Every morning I wake up in pain. I lay in bed as long as possible because I can't bring myself to put weight on my feet. Besides my achilles tendonitis/tendonosis in my right ankle and my horribly painful sprained left ankle (thank you stolen wallet night almost 3 months ago...yes...3! months ago), I have plantar fasciitis. My knees are also painful (possibly runs in my family). My back is messed up as well still (yay for chronic pains!) To say the least, it hurts to walk to the bathroom. I absolutely hate getting up in the morning. Then I go to the bathroom and have to endure some issues in that area (if you must know...hemorrhoids are a itchy, painful nightmare). Then I go wash my hands and look at my face. Acne and black hairs on my chin just make me feel less happy to be me. After 'washing' my face (warm water splash and a good wipe with a towel) I stumble back to my bedroom and get dressed. I can only wear 3 or 4 bottoms because I've gained enough weight that nothing fits...and since I have to wear black for work AND school, my choices are limited anyways. Black is so depressing! Then, I stumble out the door, limping all the way to my car and drive to work.
Work involves dealing with very difficult people.
My coworkers are fun people. I like most of them. I really do. BUT, I have had enough of them for now. I REALLY need a break from them. I burn out easily.
The customers I have to deal with are absolutely ridiculous. So many people call in and complain over a STUPID sandwich. I am not very patient and tolerant (as stated before). Not anymore at least. I am so tired of making sandwiches. I am so tired of making food for other people. I am sooooo tired of everything that has to do with the food industry.
Most days I get off work at 5pm. That gives me enough time to go home, eat my dinner, shower and go over to my friend's house for our carpool to school.
After sitting in a classroom for 3.5 hours We drive back, I go home, and sit at my computer on play on my phone until I'm tired enough to fall asleep. It's already almost 1am now and I'm just barely starting to feel like heading to the bedroom. When I finally fall asleep, I usually toss and turn and wake up at least once (during the winter I was too cold, now during the summer I'm too hot, or I have to pee).
I repeat this process Monday through Thursday. Friday I work and then go home and clean and do laundry.
Saturday I wake up in time to shower, get dressed, hit McDonald's for breakfast and drive to clinic. I get there around 12:30 and start my shift by 1pm. I do 5 50 minute massages, clean up and go home so exhausted that I just sit until I fall asleep. Sunday I wake up in time to get ready for and go to church (usually late, because I just have no motivation to go now). I sit through classes and meetings, play the organ and go home and sit around alone wondering what I'm supposed to do until I go to bed. Then it starts all over again.

I'm burned out, depressed and now I've started having panic attacks. The past couple of days the noise, negativity and depression have caused literal chest pain and breathing issues.

I don't know how other people in my class are doing more. I just don't know how it's happening.

Everyone says eat better, exercise, drink more water, set enough and adequate sleep.

I don't know how to do this.

I lack all motivation.

I have no discipline.

Where do I start?

I know I need to make a lot of changes, but I just don't even know where to start.

I ache everywhere. My depression literally, physically hurts.

I want to burst into tears every day.

I want to shut out the loud world and escape.

I want someone to talk to and have physical contact with (I NEED to be touched...I hate hat HATE being so alone all the time).

I need to be alone (with a loved one) in a quiet place away from everything.

What do I do?

I get easily overwhelmed and I am so overwhelmed right now I can barely function.  

Monday, August 12, 2013


SO...a few weeks ago, the day before I started clinic, I got a sore throat. It went away the next day and I didn't think much of it. The following week I had indigestion and took some pepto. The next morning my tongue was covered in a nice black film (I promise it was from the pepto...I even looked it up). While checking my mouth to see that I had removed most or all of the black nasty from my tongue, I noticed a nice white spot on the back of my throat. I have felt crappy and thought maybe I had strep. But, my throat never really got sore (other than that one day). So, I just ignored it. I hoped that the white spot would go away on its own. It didn't. So...laugh if you must,  I consulted Doctor Google (it's a LOT cheaper than a copay over $100). I couldn't make up my mind what to do. I was still concerned it might be strep, but there is also the possibility of what's called a tonsilith, or a tonsil stone. I had NO idea those could even exist until I saw them in the interwebz. Anyways. This past week the spot has gotten larger. So, tonight I decided to do what the Google page told me to do and I took a q-tip to my tonsil. First a little white blob came off. I got a little grossed out and decided to see if I could get the rest. On this second attempt, that lovely, nasty white blob popped out as if I had just popped a very large zit.  I almost threw up. I didn't think I was that sqemish, but I guess I am. So there it is folks. A tonsilith for your enjoyment. I really hope I don't have to do this again. Now I have a nice hole in my tonsil. Huh.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Oh Dear...

So, when I walked into my massage class one of my first thoughts was to scan the room to see if there were any attractive men (I'm OBVIOUSLY a single female). There was only one guy that caught my eye.
After about a week while I would walk in he would say "I love you Heather".......
Turns out he's a lot older than he looks, is divorced, has 7 adopted children and....
he's gay

That still doesn't stop me for some stupid reason.

I guess you can't control who you feel chemistry for.

I wish I could fall into his arms and be held.

Ahh....why are all the attractive, good guys (despite conflicting lifestyle choices) gay (or married already)???



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Reflecting and Looking Forward

Today as I was playing prelude music for Sacrament meeting I played a hymn that has come to have some personal meaning for me throughout the years. Hymn #114 Come Unto Him is my mother's favorite hymn (last I heard at least). So, every time I play it I think of her. Then, a few years ago I had the opportunity to accompany the Ogden LDS Institute Choralaires with that hymn. I loved getting to play it over and over and actually get to do some phrasing with it and so on as opposed to just playing it for congregational singing.
Then, we got word that President Boyd K. Packer was doing a fireside at our institute just for us (not a broadcasted fireside). Naturally the Choralaires got asked to provide the music. Apparently that hymn, "Come Unto Him," is President Packer's favorite hymn.
As time drew near for the fireside I hit a road bump with the situation. The same Sunday we were supposed to sing that hymn for that fireside, me and a few others were also supposed to play a concert with the WSU orchestra (our concerts were always on Sunday nights). The fireside was at 6pm and the concert started at 7:30pm.
We were ALL worried.
President Packer isn't known for his speedy talks (at least in my opinion).
I can't tell you how close I came to asking for the back-up accompanist on that hymn to play and getting out of playing. I'm so glad I didn't.
I honestly can't remember a dang thing Pres. Packer said, but I remember that experience.
We were all praying that the fireside would get out on time and that we would make it to our concert and still have time to warm up and be ready to play.
The fireside finished 15 minutes early. It was amazing.
Everything worked out...miraculously. Seriously. 

So, today as I was playing that hymn that memory and many others came flooding back.

I have been so very lucky in my past.

I got to play the piano and sing for so many things.

I've sung in a choir for General Conference, I've sung in numerous CES Firesides, one of which was one that President Monson spoke at. I even got the chance to accompany the choir during a CES fireside in which Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke. He came down to meet the choir directors and I got to shake his hand.

I've had the opportunity to meet L. Tom Perry and President Monson in other places.

I have nothing to complain about. Or rather, I shouldn't complain.

I was truly blessed with amazing experiences.

Right now might be ridiculously difficult, but I have to have hope that it is for a good reason and that I will be a better person for it.

I really miss my life from when I was in school in Ogden. Those probably were the best years of my life (at least for now...I sure hope those aren't THE best years...oh man I really hope...).

It's taken me awhile to figure this out, probably too long, but oh well. At least I figured it out before it was too late. I have been blessed and I need to remember that. Things will get better...maybe not today, tomorrow, this week, or even this year, but I am stating now that I have hope that it will get better.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I don't want to do massage therapy anymore. I'm too exhausted and I don't enjoy it like I enjoy music. :(
The end.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Yesterday was a landmark in my schooling experience.
Yesterday I started the student clinic.

Student clinic is an interesting experience.

All of the classrooms have curtain dividers. On Thursday night before leaving class for the week we all get to 'set up for clinic.' For each curtained area we place a desk and a massage table. Saturday morning each classroom becomes a massage spa-like place. (But not really...the building is kind of nasty and not really conducive to relaxing)
My clinic shift started at 12:30 when I got to the building. I checked in, grabbed lotion and 5 face pad covers. I then struggled to figure out what else I was supposed to do. But, I eventually got it. Sort of. After setting up my first table I went and got my first client. She was absolutely delightful. Moans of happiness came out of her and she left me saying she wished she could request me next time (which isn't a possibility unfortunately). I grabbed my next client feeling really excited and glad I had chosen massage therapy. I felt pretty good about life at that moment. My second client requested only posterior work, so I never had to flip him over. It was really nice actually. I got to spend more time on his back and I got to use my Reflexology skills that I haven't used since January (since he requested a foot massage). He left a $4 tip on the table for me. Oh how I wish I could keep it. But, alas, students are not allowed to accept tips of any kind. The money, which I very desperately need, is still in my bag waiting for a new owner. :( I kind of want to cry about that honestly.
After starting on my third client (who slept through most of the massage by the way) I realized I was not doing so well. My back was hurting, A LOT. I was quickly becoming exhausted and running out of any kind of energy. My ankle, (which I rolled almost 2 months ago during the wallet incident) was starting to give out. My fourth client was sweet. She almost flashed me though. I went to take the bolster out from under her ankles and she went ahead and started flipping over. That was fun. :-/ My fifth client requested light work and I was about to rejoice because it was about all I had left in me, but then I started working on him. Light for him was pretty deep. By the time I left the building I was so exhausted I could barely walk.

I had started off strong and excited, but I left feeling so exhausted and not ready to go through that again anytime soon. It was good to see the relaxation and happy looks on their faces when they left, but I personally did not feel a ton of joy. 

I look back and remember the feeling of joy when a piano student improved, when they learned something new, or when I was able to help them in some way. I may have had anxiety attacks before going in to teach each time, but I really miss how I felt afterwards. I miss feeling like I had had a greater influence on someone. I also miss the joy from performing on stage with an amazing orchestra. I miss being a musician. That rush was unlike anything else. Performing a massage is nice, but it's not the same.

I really hope I can finish school so I can at least say I finished and got my license so the past year won't have been an entire waste. But, it's going to take a miracle for that to happen.
I'm so completely exhausted. My body has never hurt this much before. I actually woke up in the middle of the night because I was so uncomfortable and in pain.
I've NEVER felt this exhausted in my entire life.

My job is also driving me nuts and taking every ounce of energy possible. I've almost walked out a couple of times now. I love the people I work with, but it's not worth it to me anymore.

I had hoped to find a job outside of Utah once I graduated, but it's looking like I'm going to need to find a new job now, which means committing to being there for awhile. Most jobs like to hire for long-term (well, most jobs I'd like to apply for at least).

I don't know what to do. I'm starting to get the feeling that I had about medical assisting. When I started working towards becoming a medical assistant I got the feeling that I wouldn't finish.

I've dug myself into too much debt to give up, especially this far into the program. But, honestly, I don't know that I can physically, emotionally, AND mentally make it until December. I really don't.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My How Time Has Flown!

January 1, 2013 seems like years ago.

Since that day I have had 3 different jobs (holding steady on #3, despite my wishing I could have a better-paying job). I don't love the fact that I'm working at Subway (again) as a 28 year old student, but it's a job I can do and I'm not planning on staying there once I graduate (the only thing that's keeping me from applying to a new job is that very fact-once I graduate I am getting my behind out of Utah!)

School has been nothing like what I expected.

It has been a roller coaster of emotions and stress and homework and.....just plain crazy.

So far we have finished our courses in Reflexology, Swedish, Acupressure, and after this week, Russian Sports Massage.

I have miraculously maintained 100% attendance and a 4.0 GPA.

I hope I didn't just jinx that.

When I walked into my first class life was a blur.
I had NO idea what I had gotten myself into.
I looked at the people around me and wondered if I'd ever make any friends or if I'd be the lone one in the corner for the entire year.
After our first week we got to witness a demonstration of a full-body Swedish massage.
I found myself smiling for the first time in a long time.
The months have gotten slower and time has seemed to drag on more and more.


This past week I was driving home after our carpool group (Yes, I'm in a carpool group...who'd a thunk?!) split for the night and realized this:
My massage class is my family now.
Many people in my massage class have become my friends.
After this week we will be halfway done with the entire program.

That's right.


At the end of July we start our clinic rotation.
I'm more than just a little freaked out about that.
I actually have to put everything I've learned into practice.
But, it will be a good (tough) learning experience.

I thought it was never going to end, but hitting this halfway point gives me a little more hope.

As for other things...
I actually have friends in my ward now.
Yesterday 8 of us drove down to the Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant.
I was talking to someone at church today and I was able to name everyone that was in the group.
That moment was kind of surreal.
I'm not a complete stranger in my ward now.

I am amazed at how quickly this halfway point came.
I'm so grateful for it as well.

I sure hope the next half flies by even quicker.

I CANNOT wait to move out of Utah.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Time for some Random

It's been awhile since I've written anything and to be honest, I have so much and nothing to write all at the same time, so my apologies...this will be random. You don't have to read if you don't want to. It's ok.

Let's see.

The most exciting thing that has happened this week is my wallet got stolen.
I had my wallet in my hand sometime around 5-5:30pm when I purchased the best snow cone ever (I kid you not!). When I went to put gas in my empty gas tank after class that night (sometime around 11:00pm) my wallet was gone. I honestly have no recollection whatsoever of where my wallet went after I purchased my snow cone from heaven. By the time I realized my wallet was in the possession of someone other than me or someone that would return it to me, I checked my bank account and found that someone decided to do some damage.
I found that $58.00 had been used at a Maverik gas station in downtown SL. I called my bank (a frustrating experience in and of itself...customer service hotlines for the fail) and cancelled my card. When I got off the phone I discovered that over $160 had been spent at the Walmart in SL as well. My bank account was now in the negative.
I cried. A lot.
The next day I called my bank again and made sure everything was fixed (I'm glad I called again, because the lady I had talked to the night before didn't do everything...). The perpetrator had tried to use my debit card at various ATMs, a McDonald's, a Redbox, and Best Buy online and who knows where else. The trail started in SL, went up to Bountiful and down to Sandy.
I hope they had fun, because whenever they get their karma return, it's going to suck.
I am not the vengeful type of person, but I have never wanted to hurt someone so badly before in my least, not my conscious life (I've had dreams in which I've been very violent, but that's not real...ANYWAYS). My account is in the negative now...over $200. If it hadn't been for a serious miracle I would be out of gas as well. My mom had given me $15 when I went home 2 weekends ago. The money never made it to my wallet. Thank the LORD! I wouldn't've been able to make it to school last night if it hadn't been for that.
The wallet also contained my driver's license and social security card. It's going to be a LONG process of nightmares getting my identity protected and making myself legal to drive again. I also had many restaurant stamp cards that had a lot of value on them...I'm NOT happy about losing those either (it's taken a long time to get them to where they were!)
So, I am struggling right now with a quarter tank of gas that has to last until my money is credited back, or until payday on Friday...I usually go through half a tank in a week.
And, I'm getting all tense writing about this so I'll stop on that topic.
Life really is like a box of chocolates...

Another thing I can write about is school.
School is going for those of you that want to know.
I've finished my 2nd term. 2 down, 3 to go. I'm almost halfway done!
Massage school is NOTHING like I expected.
The more I get into it, the more I wonder what the heck I'm doing.
Part of me loves it and can't wait to graduate and start working.
The rest of me is ready to start applying to other schools.
I started training to become a medical assistant. I want to finish that.
And, here's the big one...
The more and more I think about it, the more I want to go back to a real university and finish that education degree I started almost 10 years ago (only short by a few has really been that long!).
Slight tangent...
I want to teach music still.
Music is in my very core and I am denying who I am by not using, sharing and teaching it.
I think that's the biggest reason I'm struggling with the massage school idea still. It's all good and noble and stuff, but it's not who I am.
The other night I listened to a cd recording of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
When I was younger I would always tease about that choir, but part of me always wanted to be in it.
I'm not a great singer, but there is something in the power of a choir that gives me chills.
When I delivered pizzas up to Weber High School, sometimes I would hear the choir rehearsing in the commons area. I loved it. It always made my day a little better.
What I'm getting at in a round about way is that I want to see if I can pursue becoming a choir director and get my life in order so I can audition to the Mo-Tab Choir. I always thought I wanted to be in the orchestra, but there's something about the choir that tugs at my heart.

Ok, tangent over.
I've learned Swedish Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology and now I'm starting to learn Russian Sports Massage. Up until now I've really only ever experienced Swedish and Deep Tissue massage. Last night in class we did our first hands on of Russian. I got to be a demo body. It was awesome. It was a little awkward getting touched on my bare back and thigh by my instructor I'll admit, but his hands were so steady and that almost sounds awkward. Anyways. Experiencing another type of massage by a trained professional was pretty awesome. I really think I'm going to like it. I hope I can be as good as Kory (the instructor)...if I can help someone feel as relaxed as I felt that night (this was last night...not even 24 hours after my wallet nightmare started), it will be worth it.
Oh, and somehow I've still managed to maintain a 4.0. I don't know if that means that I've gotten better at being a student, or if that reflects on the less...whatever-ness of UCMT compared to WSU. Who knows. 

I always thought I would just finish my schooling in December and find a job in Missouri right away.
But, now I'm not sure.
I want to apply to the education program at the U and start taking vocal lessons so I can actually make it into the school. I love playing my clarinet, but I feel anxiety still when I think about playing it. I got to sing in the Ogden LDS Institute choirs for so many years and even the WSU concert choir. I loved it. I really do love singing. I just don't know if my voice is up to par.

Another thing I think I should write about is my past post on my weight situation and my goal to overcoming my depression without medication.
My emotions have been completely out of control as of late. It turns out my brother has now been diagnosed with Bipolar disease. I've always wondered if I have it and his diagnosis just adds another nail to my coffin (so to speak). I stopped going to the gym during finals week and I'm paying for it. I don't feel as happy, and I'm gaining weight again. I was steady at 240 for almost a month. That's a BIG deal. Well, I just checked. It's only been about a week since I last weighed myself and I have gained 10 pounds. I'm really concerned about how quickly I'm gaining weight. I'm gaining more weight and I'm the most negative person I've ever been.
Goals: Go back to the gym. Stop drinking soda at work.

And yet another thing I could talk about is church.
I have not been happy with religion lately. In fact, I've been rather angry with it.
The week before I went to visit my parents (and sort through and pack my stuff there) there was a discussion in Relief Society that almost had me walking out of the building. The topic of dating standards came up and I was sickened by most of the comments. Everyone talked of their 'list' that they have. I have lived a rather lonely life in terms of dating and have learned not to be too selective. I learned a little too late honestly. I've said it before, but my biggest regret is Danny...and Spencer. I had 2 perfectly good men at different points in my life and I threw them away because they didn't completely make my 'list.' I'm done with that list. If I'm lucky enough to get asked out again, unless he's a total creep, I won't deny the possibility. No one is perfect. I have my sins just as everyone does. Who am I to deny potential suitors because they have some imperfections? The comment that bothered me the most was that of the RS president. She made it clear that she won't date anyone unless they do their home teaching.
(funny enough...she got released that day...)
I also struggle with being alone in my ward. I've made a couple of friends, but no close friends and I really don't know if there's potential for there to be any close friendships due to the fact that I can't ever go to church activities and I'm stuck at the organ now during Sacrament meeting.
I've been feeling very hateful about the whole situation. There are good people in there and I'm grateful I have ANY friends at all, but it's not like I had up in Ogden. I miss Ogden. ....I miss Jake...(oi)....
But, the other day I came to a realization that church isn't about socializing (LIGHTBULB!) and it isn't about trying to get a date. I struggle with my faith immensely still and that's what I need to focus on. Church is for worship. The end. Tomorrow I need to figure out how to focus on that. Somehow, I forgot that fact and I need to remember it better.


That's a little bit of my life right now. It's June.
Time to get some sun!


Monday, May 6, 2013

A Simple Update

About a month ago I posted about wanting to make some drastic changes in my life to make myself happier.
I'd like to update what's been going on as I think it's a good idea to state my progress.
As I have started a new job with fewer hours and not very good pay, I have not been able to afford much. I have run out of what essential oils I did have and haven't had much time to do anything else, but I did go to the local Planet Fitness (which happens to be a block away from where I work) and sign up for the $10 membership.
I have gone there at least twice a week since I signed up now and I can't tell you how much better I feel.
I have found that I am able to get out my frustrations and replace them with the high from the endorphins released. It's hard for me to not stay there all day long.
Today I was able to put the stationary bike on level 10, on random and bike for 45 minutes. Then I went to the treadmill and ran a mile (walked .25, ran 1.0, then walked .25). THEN I hit the weight machines.
I've had a similar routine most days I go.
I love that I can feel my muscles again.
I LOVE that I have more energy.
I LOVE that when I think of getting a Big Mac I get grossed out.

There really is so much truth in the fact that the mind is tied to the physical state of the body.

I knew this before I suppose, but never have I truly believed it.

I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't gained any, which is a big deal right now. I had been gaining weight consistently every week.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

My New Low...Albeit...a Funny One

Actually, I'm not sure if it's necessarily a new low, but it's definitely something I'll (hopefully) laugh at later in time...oh wait...I am laughing at it NOW.

I have developed this horrible obsession with Dr. Who.
It's true.

I was introduced to the show a few years ago by some friends and was ok...but nothing super awesome.


After watching a couple of key episodes of Dr. Who with my friends Julie and Heather (ha ha...yes, my name is Heather and my best friend's name is Julie...but this was not us) I caved and tried to get hooked via Netflix.

I think I made it to the end of the first season.

Christoffer Ecceslton won my heart and I had a hard time wanting to watch David Tennant.



I stopped watching after I got through the 2nd (?) season.

I think I gave up on it for close to a year.


Since I have had more free time, I have decided to start watching again.

I had heard of some key plot points and decided it was worth finding out the whole story.


Bad wolf maybe???

I watched the first episode of season 5 tonight.

Since my dating life has become extinct (2 years counts....right?) I have formed unhealthy attachments to tv characters.

I first developed a crush on the ever-so-handsome and debonaire Nathan Fillion. (I'm still in love with him and want to marry him...but.........)

Richard Castle has lost his....sparkle.

David Tennant....sigh....

What to say?

I got to the point of all I could think about was getting home to watch the next few episodes (because I can't watch just one...) because I just wanted to experience the pure yumminess of that man.

He truly is delicious.

Then I got to the New Year's episode of season 4 last night.


I cried.

It's true.

I got to work today and I felt almost as if I had really lost a friend.


I need a hot man in real life because I can only see this obsession turning into posters on my wall and oh wait...he's already on my laptop wallpaper.


It's a new low...but it doesn't necessarily feel low.

I just know it is lol....


The beautiful David Tennant will not be forgotten easily.
(probably not until I find my own 'companion')

Le sigh....... :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Mental Illness

I grew up with an entire kitchen drawer (and now cabinet) devoted to all of the medications that my parents had to take.
My dad has epilepsy, high blood pressure, depression and who knows what else at this point.
My mother has diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and (again) who knows what else.
My brother has psoriasis, high blood pressure, depression and ....
I think you get the picture.
My family is the prime example of medicated America.

They all suffer from depression...and so do I.

This past week has been hell on Earth.
I have come to hate everything about myself.
I have actually said it out loud more than once that I hate myself.
The sad part's true.
I do hate myself.

I have been on medication for depression helped. Sort of.
Right now I am fighting against going to the pharmacy and refilling my prescription for Prozac.
I know it will help me get out of this rut I'm in, but I also know the side effects of the medication.
And, I know the path that it will take me down.

I hate the thought of being medicated.

I don't want a drawer full of pills.

I am studying massage therapy.
With that comes the study of a lot of holistic healing modalities.
I am already a fan of Essential Oils.
I fell in love with Reflexology and I'm quickly falling in love with Accupressure.

I want so badly to never take another pill again (although, once a month for a couple of days I can't avoid taking pain killers because I'd end up in the hospital otherwise).

My thoughts are broken right now, so I apologize for the awkward flow...

I am unemployed and stuck in a rut of epic proportions right now, so I am limited on what I can actually do.


I want to do something.

I want to fight this depression.
I want to fight it, once and for all.

I want to find natural, holistic methods to take care of myself.

Below is a list I am making for myself of the things I need to do.

1. I need to change my diet.

I struggle with compulsive eating.
When I'm stressed out, there's nothing in the world that could stop me from eating an entire box of Little Debbie Fudge Rounds (or more).
So, how am I dealing with this???
Honestly, I'm not sure.
I'm trying to purchase better foods in which, if I have to binge, I won't feel so guilty about (Example: Yesterday I popped a bag of edamame in the microwave and ate the entire thing-no guilt trip on that one).
But, it's so easy to drive down the street and raid the junk food aisle. It just is.
This is something I need to work on still.

2. I need to exercise more.

I have gained a LOT of weight. I currently weigh a whopping 240 lbs (to put it in perspective, I've almost always been around 215-220 since high one point I did get down to 185, but that was the lowest and that was in 2009...ever since then I've been constantly and consistently gaining weight). Yeah. There's a reason I hate myself.
When I wake up in the morning I can barely walk. My achilles tendons love to give me grief. My knees have always been deformed and cause problems of their own. Going up and down stairs is always fun...the popping, grinding and pain are always such a pleasure. My lower back is constantly on the verge of 'going out' as it has more than once in the past. My upper back is affected by my scoliosis. I'm constantly suffering from pinched nerve sensations going from my neck to my left pinky. My lungs like to tighten up if I do any physical activity. My heart freaks me out sometimes as well.
So, needless to much as I want to work out, I really hate it. My body HURTS so badly whenever I do anything. I want to start running again (I have had the goal of RUNNING-not walking- a 5k someday and possibly a 10k) , and I know it would help my depression, but the anxiety of the pain I'll feel afterwards is not something I want to deal with again. I HATE being barely able to walk every morning. I purchased the Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer dvds on Ebay last week. I's JUST 10 MINUTES!!! I can do anything for 10 minutes.Yesterday was pure torture. My body was hurting, every inch of every minute.
I wish I could stop hurting.
I'm still not sure how to cope with this...EVERYTHING makes me hurt....even yoga and walking.

3. I want to use herbs and oils.

Once I am financially sound again (like that will ever happen), I would like to use Essential Oils more. They are rather expensive, but I have already come to love them and I want to continue and increase my usage of them. DoTerra has a set of vitamins/supplements that I want to purchase as I have heard they do wonders for depression.
I don't want to add synthesized chemicals to my system (Prozac, etc). I want natural ingredients.

4. I want to learn to control my mind.

I want to invest in sound therapy/hypnosis/meditative type treatments.
Turn on your iPod, plug in your headphones and let soothing music or guided meditations take you to a better place. Hypnosis/subliminal therapy can help rewire your thought patterns and you don't have to spend thousands of dollars for treatments. (I sound like a salesperson right now...)
I downloaded a demo app on my phone yesterday that uses sound therapy to help stop the negative thought patterns. I listened to it once and sincerely felt better. I believe in the power of these things and need to make them a part of my life.

5. Psychotherapy (I'm actually very iffy on this one)

I have known many people that have been helped immensely by therapists.
I have also seen them ruin my family...more than once.
A lot of depression is caused by thought patterns. Those thought patterns need to be changed. And...sometimes it's just impossible to do it on your own.
If, after all of these other treatment options, I am still struggling and I am in a position to do something about it, I will contact a therapist and give them a try.

6. Acupressure/Acupuncture

I am currently studying Acupressure in my massage therapy school.
In our last session of practice my anxiety attack was completely shut down by the therapy my student therapist and even the TA were able to do on me.
The needles scare me, but I want to experience at least one session of Acupuncture.
There is real power in these treatment options and I want to explore them more.

7. Spirituality

I've mentioned it before in other posts.
My spirit is sick.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm not actually possessed by an evil spirit.
A great deal of my depression stems from my faith.
When my faith is strong, my depression is all but obliterated.
But, my faith has not been strong since the summer after I finished school.
I'm not sure how to fix my spirit.
I'm reading books, I've read scriptures, I've prayed, I've gone to church...
Nothing seems to help.
Every once and awhile I'll feel a glimpse of hope, but as soon as I acknowledge that, my soul is consumed by darkness.
The devil is real...and I hate him.

For now these are things I want to work on.
As my financial resources are limited right now I am not sure how I am going to do much of anything about it, but I know that I am stuck right now and I can't move forward until I can get my depression under control.

This guy... my inspiration.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Someday I'll Figure This Out

....But until then...

Today was a day I hope I can forget.

Remember all that crap I went through to get to where I'm at right now?

I'm wondering if I've done a SINGLE thing right in my life.

I want to enjoy life, but I can't seem to figure it out.

I love to perform music, but I'm too lacking in confidence and dedication to do anything about it.
I love to teach, but the panic attacks I've had before just teaching a simple piano lesson aren't worth it.
I love math and science (Astronomy and Meteorology especially), but I don't want to be a scientist.
I love helping people, but I struggle so much with loving myself that I can't be the person I need to be.

I went to school and did the bachelor's degree thing. I loved it. I LOVE to play music and I don't regret that, but even now the thought of playing my clarinet brings up moments of panic.

What the hell am I supposed to do with my life?!

I know I have been blessed with many talents, but I have no clue what to do with them. If I find something I'm good at I soon find problems and can't seem to get past them.

I quit my job at Convergys today.

I had the chance, after walking out dramatically, to actually come back, but I leaned on my horrible confidence-lacking ego and said no.

What next you might say???

I have NO IDEA!

I'm coming up on turning 30 in a couple of years.
I'm not young anymore!
I have to stop wasting the time I've been given.


How is it possible to be so incredibly low and still exist?

I'm not about to jump off of a cliff, don't worry.

I understand that it takes some time to figure out who you are and all that stuff, but really??? When am I going to figure ANYTHING out?!

It's like there's a brick wall in front of me every time I try to do something good.

I'm still in massage school and I don't plan on jumping ship anytime soon, but I can't help but feel that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do (whatever that is).

When I decided to make all these changes I did them because I was staring into a dark abyss and had no other choice.

I'm not a fan of life right now.

I feel like Rapunzel on Disney's Tangled...

Stuck in the same place I've always been
And I'll keep wonderin'
And wonderin'
And wonderin'
And wonderin'
When will my life begin?

It's not like I haven't tried to make changes. But, apparently I keep making the wrong choices. 
I am a complete and total utter failure right now.